A few months ago I spoke to the SF City Council about my concern that NOT all (a majority) of restaurants are NOT recycling (besides cardboard and cooking oils).

Jessica Lantgen, Sustainability Coordinator for the city spoke about the topic of recycling enforcement yesterday at the Public Services Committee meeting.

Below is the separate set of ordinances for recycling requirements;

Commercial Recycling

57.028 states that commercial and business establishments, governmental facilities, entertainment facilities and schools must separate from the waste stream materials banned from landfill per 57.050 and the recyclables must be removed at a minimum of twice per month

  • 57.030 (b) states nonresidential sites may use either single-stream, dual-stream or source separated for the collection and management of recyclable materials
  • The collection of recyclable materials from businesses, industries and institutions is provided by private haulers licensed by the City
  • Commercial generators contract for collection service from the hauler of their choice and pay the hauler directly for the service

oThe City of Sioux Falls regulates the licensed waste haulers’ recycling rates. The waste hauling community is the connection between the City and individual residents and businesses


Residential Recycling


  • 57.027 states that licensed waste haulers must collect separated, required recyclables from residents at least twice per month. Required recyclables collected shall not be deposited at the sanitary landfill
  • 57.030 (a) Residential sites shall use a single-stream methodology for the collection and management of recyclable materials
  • 57.022 Residential recycling containers shall accommodate single-stream recycling
  • The ordinance states that required recyclables include office paper, corrugated cardboard and chip board, plastics #1 and #2 and metal containers, newspaper, electronics, magazines, and bulk rate mail. These materials are also banned from the landfill per 57.050
  • In addition, 57.032 allows garbage haulers to not collect solid waste containing visible required recyclables for disposal as long as they leave a note about why it was not collected. Residents and businesses must remove these materials before the waste is collected


I find it interesting that residential have specific requirements for materials but commercial does not. And this may be why enforcement is not as strict on commercial properties?

What I also find even more interesting is that if these ordinances are in place, why are they NOT being enforced on commercial properties?

Lantgen talked about trying to increase that enforcement and has a goal of higher recycling rates, and that is wonderful! But my question is why hasn’t it been done up until this point? I think I have been recycling as a resident in Sioux Falls since the late 90’s.

Once again, the rules may or may not be the same for residents and businesses, but it also seems residents have to follow stricter rules then the commercial properties.

The supposed ramped up enforcement on commercial properties will be intriguing to watch.

By l3wis

One thought on “Are the same recycling requirements enforced on Commercial vs. Residential?”
  1. Code enforcement only bullies residents. Commercial owns the mayor. Residents are subject to multiple citations, unconstitutional hearings, and there’s no appeal into circuit court. Give the mayor a political contribution and there’s no such thing as ordinances.

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