
The Events Center was built for people or the vendors? Which is it? Why must disabled people be the last to be considered? Oops we forgot? How do people who can’t see or understand a map supposed to find out how to enter or exit a building?

It is always a training issue. Our speaker is training the mayor and council.

Joy Tuscherer talks about the T Denny Sanford Events Center ADA  Non-Compliance problems during the Public Input session of the Sioux Falls City Council April 7, 2015. Why is this important? The City of Sioux Falls had a new Events Center built for $117 million without real consideration for the needs of the handicapped people using the place.

Joy calls them out and the dais did not look happy. You would think for $117 million you could ordered and bought a separate freight elevator?

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Brand New Events Center ADA compliant?”
  1. I’m surprised Scott didn’t complain first. I mean people waiting for a stuck elevator!! There’s a first world problem that must be brought to the attention of the federal government! People squeezing into an elevator must be stopped NOW! Definitely a human rights violation. But hey let’s thank the veterans.

  2. So let’s add this up kids;

    1) unregulated ticket sales

    2) removed cup holders

    3) cracked floors

    4) EC siding

    5) Gratuity free building

    6) And Now and a new one to the list, ADA compliance & no freight elevator.

    “Sioux Falls, this is your NEW Events Center!” – Mayor Huether

    I have often told people I am glad Mike’s Quote is in the lobby of the EC, he can own this mess.

    When I worked at the Pavilion in the first four years, ushers and volunteers were required to take ADA training, CPR training and the elevators were for patrons FIRST. They could only be used to transport food or other facility materials when the Patrons were not using them.

  3. You haven’t heard the whole story. These were disabled people stuck in a broken elevator, and when Joy had to crawl down the back stairs to get help, the first staffer she alerted ignored her. Not to mention the suspected cover up by SMG, and the creative editing of the ADA compliance document. Like I said, you haven’t been privy to the whole story yet, once it comes out, you will have a different opinion.

  4. There should be a lemon law for events centers like for cars. There’s to much wrong. It’s become a 120 mil project that needs 50 mil in repairs, modifications, and redesign. Is the architect incompetent? Who signed the occupancy permit? Are city personel unqualified?

  5. ADA has wonderful fine methods to force compliance. If outside of compliance the fines really progress. If the architect was stupid enough to design away from Ada then they should pay. If its found that cotter or mmm did constructive change orders to delete a freight elevator and go against Ada then Fire the idiots Good grief Charlie brown

  6. People in the Northeast US think upper midwesterners are ignorant. True, we talk slow. However, only our city leaders are dumb enough for you to take advantage of.

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