
I posted this on FB last night;

I think I am going to start a FB group that is upset about students being upset and another about being upset about students who should be upset but are not, which leads into my third page about trying to get the ones that are not upset, to be upset about something, but they are probably busy chasing tail, smoking grass and not playing their saxophone while cheerleading at a football game that turned into soccer practice that reviewed their physics AP courses. I just hope none of them starve over summer, and if they do get hungry remember to dig through the dumpsters at Wild Water West, because there will be lots of leftover chicken fingers and onion rings from the spoiled kids who get to tan for 3 extra weeks.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “hert feelings”
  1. But now there is another problem to add to the afore said mentioned upsettedness………..now the state wants to lower the new 80 mph speed limit in some places. This means it will take longer to get to Wild Water West and Sturgis and then summer will be over and then what happens? Oh noesss every thing is going to hell, what will they do???

  2. I hope the content isn’t Barry Manilowishevitz Dear Dog

    play on words finale

  3. The hardest part is getting used to the new schedule. In a few years the later start could make sense. However, there could be another vote to change it back. What’s certain is more taxes to pay for foolish elections with more polling locations so that voters can’t win the scavenger hunt.

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