South DaCola

Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!


Joe Sneve, the new city reporter for the Argus Leader wrote and article about the under hand moves of the Mayor and his Sidekick, Darin Smith;

The city already had spent more than $35,000 building the website and buying advertising to promote it before City Council members or the public learned about the project.

“You talk about transparency in government. You talk about saving money. You talk about building trust in government. What (Huether) has done violates a lot of the principles that I think most of us live by,” Councilor Greg Jamison said. “I’ll be proposing to change the language so we can prevent things like this from happening again.”

And it seems as of 7AM this morning, people are ready for a new mayor or is it an indoor pool? Elections and polls are so confusing these days. I think we should act quickly like we did with the indoor pool and hold the next mayoral election next week. And who are these 13% anyway?

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