9 Thoughts on “Mac Huether?

  1. In agreement on April 30, 2015 at 9:24 pm said:

    Very well done! Well said!

    Too sad and too bad that it is accurate!

    Everything is all about him!!

  2. As true as it gets. Oligarch utter the egotistical moron

  3. scott on May 1, 2015 at 6:33 am said:

    another song mmm thinks is about him is “how great thou art”.

  4. pothole counter on May 1, 2015 at 7:08 am said:

    Reminds me again of driving through Chicago seeing Mayor Richard Daley on every street construction or pothole sign. You grew to resent da mayor as the face of the city.

  5. hornguy on May 1, 2015 at 2:13 pm said:

    When I worked in the legislature in Wisconsin, we used to joke that there were two types of people: those who enjoyed legislating, and those who enjoyed being legislators.

    Both were easy to find. The former usually put in long hours, would have to pass on public events back in the district because they were busy working on this bill or negotiating that compromise.

    The latter wouldn’t miss a 7 a.m. Rotary breakfast for the world. They’d duck out of committee hearings to take pictures with schoolkids and accompany their tour groups. They loved parades, and wearing the little lapel pin that members get, and loved being called “Representative” or “Senator.”

    It’s pretty clear your mayor loves being the Mayor.

  6. Ol'Bubbleguts on May 1, 2015 at 9:42 pm said:

    In YMM we trust,…do we have a mint to coin this?
    Hmmm one in Denver I think a hop skip and a jump

    I wish YMM would wear a vest so I could audio-illy blast this at his overwhelming self-grandiouciousness

  7. scottrngr@mac.com on May 2, 2015 at 5:34 pm said:

    you’ll think from the quote on the event center men’s room wall that we were rebuilding the town after a tornado or something.

  8. Joan on May 2, 2015 at 8:20 pm said:

    I could never stand that song. I have it in the same category as Toby Keith’s How Do You Like Me, Now. They both sound like the songs are about egotistical, arrogant men that are having an extremely hard time believing that they got dumped. As far as Huether being egotistical goes, I wholeheartedly think he is. That being said I think the same thing about he previous mayor whose picture graces the entrance to Falls Park.

  9. Ol'Bubbleguts on May 9, 2015 at 10:11 pm said:

    Well there is always looking forward to a freebie pork
    sandwich and a pop.
    Or Overflights from tea aviation on the wasted spectactle
    of the park at christmastime.

    The polluted river stinks more at time of July
    (I can still remember when my disgust with SF and YMM began his lil’dipshit ass holding forth near where
    the sandwiches were)
    Go back around for seconds with the impoverished
    freebie seeking army snaking up and down the hills from the foul smelling creek of a river?
    No thanks I was disgusted and took 2 sips from pop
    and one bite.

    the parade beforehand was hilariously delicious
    BUY YOUR OWN SAMMICH in cleanlier environs
    and avoid the political class.They don’t work for our towns anymore just themselves.

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