I know it is a shocker, but the SAME super precinct voting centers are being used for the School Election as were used in the Municipal Election. That’s right, for the first time in YEARS you will be able to vote at the same place you voted at in the last election.

I was surprised to see that Bev Chase w/the School District and Lorie Hogstad with the City Clerk’s office figured out how to communicate with each other. Not sure if they used phones or carrier pigeons.

I know, I had to double check myself.

But if you are still tired of the musical precincts games, as I am, you can absentee vote at the County Administration building up until April 13.

Sample Ballot: (SampleBallot)

Click to Enlarge


By l3wis

8 thoughts on “Where to VOTE next Tuesday, April 14th”
  1. On KELO the comment was “you can vote anywhere.” They never listed the locations but then many people can be found anywhere at a given moment.

  2. Jeff, I’m going to fill out half of my ballot in my car while sitting in my driveway, then fill the other half out while jumping from the top of the courthouse.

  3. The final sentence of KELO’s PR…I mean news report…of this issue: “A dream that could be a reality now that everybody knows what to do.”

  4. After living and voting in other communities, I am convinced this hide the ballot box is simply f@&*ing with the voters. Can they really be that incompetent each election?

  5. I love the way they justify the “Super Precincts” on the grounds that it makes it easier to vote near your work place…… It seems to me when you leave your home in the morning for work you either pass-by your old precinct voting place or are near it, and the same can be said when you return home at night…. What could be more convenient than that?…… “Super Precincts” are merely the tool of the voter suppressor. They are entirely undemocratic in spirit, and it amazes me how silent most voters are to this reality.

  6. Thanks but I still don’t know where to vote. Election day has become a tour of the city playing a sophisticated scavenger hunt.

  7. Super precincts are voting methods straight from the handbook of ALEC. The central district used to have 16 polling places. Now? ONE!!!! Joe Sixpack only has so much time to get to work, or heaven forbid, be late, or pick up the kids from daycare, or pay a penalty for late pick up.

    Super precincts keep the lines long so time becomes an element in voter suppression.


  8. I have been a voter for 45 years.

    They have changed the voting locations so many times in the last couple of years, I have no idea where to go next Tues.

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