Ego Much? Images: Argus Leader Media
When I first heard about this site and campaign yesterday, I thought it was some kind of April Fool’s joke.
The city council recently allocated $500K for workforce development, which I support, but I was under the impression this was to help businesses recruit workers, not hold people’s hands on how to find a job.
There are numerous private help wanted job sites in Sioux Falls. If you are looking for a job, you have multiple options. With the low unemployment, it is becoming harder for businesses to find qualified people. I have often felt that the solution is that employers in Sioux Falls need to start paying blue collar workers a living wage.
As for the city getting involved in ‘want ads’ maybe they could also include rummage and car sales on the site also, to diversify it 🙂
This is just a PR move by the mayor, who is considering running for governor.