South DaCola

Another suit against the city over property rights. Yawn.


This is beginning to become so boring and prevalent, I may just need to take a nap. Wait! That’s what the building services department do all day, then their boss knocks off at 3:55 PM on Fridays to have a nice micro brew.

City Attorney Loop-Hole David Fiddle-Faddle, of course clears it all up for us;

The city was served with the law suit late Wednesday and was “still digesting” it Thursday afternoon, City Attorney David Pfeifle said. He described the issue as a dispute between neighbors with the city caught in the middle.

Better get some antacids. Caught in the middle? You are the ones to issue the permits, you are the governing body. You know that? Right? Dave? This isn’t about a ‘dispute’ this is about the city not doing their job correctly. Oh, and the irony of the health system that the doctor building the home works for . . . I ask, would Dr. Annette Bosworth be allowed to build a home that didn’t follow code?

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