UPDATE: I was told by a city official that the 8″ Pipe was included in the building budget. Maybe they learned a lesson from the Events Center? I also spoke with a citizen today who attended all of the “Advocational” sessions before the municipal election about the pool options, and he told me he asked Parks Director Kearney at the sessions if infrastructure would have to be upgraded if an indoor pool had to be built (roads/sewer/water, etc.) and Kearney either didn’t answer the question or said ‘NO’

There was a press conference recently explaining that a part of Western Avenue would have to be closed to put in new 8″ water pipe for the indoor aquatic center (opposed to the current 4″ water pipe);

From Tuesday, May 26, to Thursday, May 28, 2015, South Western Avenue will be closed at West 24th Street to provide access for utility work on the indoor aquatic center at Spellerberg Park. Contractors need to access water and wastewater lines that are buried under the street. Access to the Park Ridge Galleria will be maintained at all times.

Traffic on Western Avenue will be detoured to South Kiwanis Avenue via West 22nd Street and West 26th Street. The closure is expected to last only three days, but traffic delays should be expected.

“This is another milestone for the indoor aquatic center project, a big step in ensuring the project stays on schedule for enclosure by winter,” says Lance Weatherly, Civil Engineer. “We appreciate everyone’s patience during this brief closure of Western Avenue.”

So is this utility work included in the Indoor Aquatic Center’s building budget? I would be curious, because as you remember, much of the initial utility work done at the events center was not a part of that budget.

3 Thoughts on “UPDATE: Is the larger pipe for the Indoor aquatic center part of the budget?

  1. The Daily Spin on May 22, 2015 at 4:31 pm said:

    Normally, the developer pays for infrastructure frontage upgrades. The city is the developer so taxpayers pay. I seriously doubt this was part of the original pool budget. However, Park Ridge and (maybe) the VA hospital will also benefit from better water pressure and there’s more reliability from new better quality pipe.

  2. come on on May 23, 2015 at 12:41 pm said:

    The way the press release reads, this is probably for upgrading the size of the service line from the street to the pool. Hardly earth shattering considering the volume of water needed for the pools. The larger pipe size will also decrease the amount of time needed to fill them. Seems prudent if you ask me.

  3. Ol'Bubbleguts on May 24, 2015 at 8:03 am said:

    I was in SF last night isn’t it warm enough to fix all the 3.5′ potholes in the concrete road surfaceEVERYWHERE?
    Right Mmis mike blew the funds on his 1500 watt hair dryer bill.

    OBG,….smiles everyone!Welcome to fantasy country.
    Wake up America!

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