
Ernie November in the early days (Photo: Charles Luden)

(On  Philosophers)  (On  Zealots)

I have a slight understanding of a few things
but don’t know much
Just put in earplugs when they preach
Charles Luden • 4-16-15 • at Granite City

3 Thoughts on “Poetry Club w/Charles Luden

  1. rufusx on May 25, 2015 at 11:05 am said:

    2-lane 12th street
    With wild weed(s)

  2. Don Coyote on May 25, 2015 at 6:11 pm said:

    Sorry Rufusx but that’s wrong. 12th street was widened to four lanes some time in the mid 60’s. I remember having to cross the construction walking to school at Axtell when I was in 7th or 8th grade. I know the owner of Ernie Novembers and he would have been just starting high school then. Ernies wasn’t started until some time in the 80’s.

  3. rufusx on May 26, 2015 at 9:49 pm said:

    It’s a two-line poem Don Coyote
    not a historically accurate story

    (Note – you can usually tell a poem
    by it’s lack of punctuation
    signifying the end)

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