After many EC contractors I have spoken with told me about some of the stupid change orders, I think an audit would be wise.

And BTW, thanks Rex! We’ve been sitting here taking in your church dirt example of construction billing fraud. Interesting parallels to Kermit’s construction cost and labor questions at the Denny.

With an over budget indoor pool being built in the same billing method as the Denny, we need to really work the audit process. How many hidden dirt piles are we paying for? How may phantom employees did we pay?

If the siding came in under budget and we have thousands of gallons of water ready to flow through the walls, who audits the construction process? Every contractor willing to talk off the record (you know they won’t go on the record and survive in this town) says the siding was installed incorrectly. How do we get it audited?

Has Mortenson been paid everything? What’s the story on MJ Dalsin?

BTW, if any of our workers, builders and suppliers want to continue helping us with this construction audit, drop us a line. You will not be the only source for the answers to the questions we have. For those who have helped so, thank you. We are not done looking for the answers to the $117,000,000.00 questions.

So thanks again Rex for helping with the right answers to Kermit’s audit requests. We hope your church was able to settle the dirt.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Should we have a Events Center Construction Audit?”
  1. The Mayor always says he will run the city like a business. Then I can tell the mayor that any business that has a $119000000 new construction project audits the cost and their stockholders have a right to know the results. So run it like a business Mr. Mayor.

  2. Why can’t any of the overpriced uppermanagement of sioux falls give an HONEST streight forward answer to honest requested information? Dr. Stagers ask a very pertinent question per auditing Mortonson and the money spent on the ugly monstrosity built for mostly the very wealthy. (175 dollar tickets ) and special requests to move a homecoming football game regardless on hardships caused by such a move. Let’s hear mmm answer. No BS.

  3. Emperor Mike got it built. Now it must be rebuilt, repaired, and serviced. The contractors are paid and gone. Mike lives in splendor from awarding the noncompetitive bid contracts. His ego is suppressed for the rest of his term. It will be a drain on the city budget for years to come. This is not a time for debate. We’re stuck with it.

  4. $175 tix good grief I had good jobs back east very good money rich for my blood and ANYONE who lives here
    will not go there.
    I hit my limit at $20 a tix Joe Satriani last show I saw
    You hillbillies can go see Foghat all the times you want
    Enriching the SF political machine.

    when will people snap out of their consumerism/media enduced fog?

  5. you people are the kind of negative naysayers that make MMM cry at press conferences.

  6. By MMM reasoning anyone disagreeing with his falsehoods or his desires is a NAYSAYER. Let upper management tell it like it us. Not be scared and say what mmm tells them to say. Hint Tracy. Quit playing the numbers game and tell it streight for once

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