South DaCola

Should the city of Mitchell should be concerned?

It seems the city of Mitchell used a familiar contractor we all nicknamed here in Sioux Falls as ‘The Oil-Canner’;

The Corn Palace renovation, which was expected to be completed in early April, still must finalize several aspects. Ellwein said the floor should be completed in June, the sign by July and the mural that will be seen upon entering the building will be finished in the next two weeks.

The Corn Palace domes have not yet been deemed suitable to stand up to South Dakota’s harsh winds and heavy snowfalls. MG McGrath, a Minnesota-based contractor hired to build and install the domes, was asked by the city to re-evaluate the domes’ sustainability against typical Mitchell weather. This request was made after wind led to visible shaking of some parts of the domes.

“We don’t want those domes to be installed until we have verification from both their engineering firm and ours that they’re going to do what they say they’re going to do,” Ellwein said.

Good old MG McGrath, you know the contractor that ‘oil canned’ the siding job on our events center with visible holes and ripples (they did the same thing to the Pinnacle in Lincoln, NE). Then they went and blamed a contractor that didn’t even do the work.

A word of advice to the City of Mitchell, you should be a little concerned.

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