I have heard many stories from friends and including myself when I was arrested about how investigators/officers try to get around that pesky 5th Amendment;
Zell says Rasmussen did not have access to her lawyer, despite asking for one half-way through the interview.
It goes back to a lot of investigators NOT having criminal law or regular law degrees, just a piece of paper that says they went through the police academy or served in the military. While we are always focusing on the ‘number’ of officers in Sioux Falls, we should instead be focusing on the ‘quality’ of officers. Hire people that understand criminal justice, or at least the 5th Amendment.
If you thinks it’s such an easy job,maybe you should apply. I hear that they are taking applications. You are great at second guessing and criticizing everyone’s work, maybe you should put yourself out there, but then again I doubt you would have the personal fortitude to do anything other than bitch!
but they are heroes!
Anything you say will be turned around to make you look guilty when you’re not. Say nothing without a lawyer present. Sure, they’ll state you’re not cooperating and demean you. In fact, they’re the deceptive ones. For some reason they have to make everyone look guilty. Something happened, wasn’t always this way.
Refuse field sobriety tests or the breathalizer. Then, they must get you blood tested by a medical professional at a hospital. By the time they get you there and admitted, you’re sober.
Didn’t say it wasn’t a hard job, but everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and the incarcerated have constitutional rights when being questioned or investigated. I just wish some of these investigators knew what they were doing and follow criminal justice rules.
Mike, you have the wrong thread, but I find your statement funny coming from a Republican.
Didn’t see any mention of the Democrat Party on any of those pages.
This is the only news report that claims the lawyer was locked out from the client.
They did remind her of her rights. She answered quite a few questions then asked for an attorney. SF PD told her she could call her lawyer and she did. PD continued to ask her questions in which she continued to answer. This was a voluntary interview and she was not yet arrested. She should have known to STFU after she asked for the lawyer and Zell should have only thrown out the interview questions/answers after she asked for the attorney.
These weren’t traffic cops, they were investigators. They have more training than just the academy.
Stop lumping everyone together.
Who was the attorney who took it to these investigators for this woman?
Ooooohhhh, Anoony.com, I see what you did there ! Very clever to find the puck in the net & claim the goal.
Even the blindest of sows [pun fully intended] will find the occasional acorn.
Civil rights in Sioux Falls? Must be something new. It’s not in city ordinances. There’s been half a dozen court cases proving the city is a higher power because Home Rule charter gives them sovereignty as an independant nation.