South DaCola

You’re kidding? Right? Events Center engineering wins an award?

With a pending lawsuit and a lien against the city for the botched siding job, cracked terrazzo floors and their ADA compliance into question they win an engineering award? WTF?

The South Dakota Engineering Society recently awarded the events center project its 2014 Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award, acknowledging the accomplishments of the engineering profession in South Dakota. The South Dakota Engineering Society each year recognizes engineering achievements that capture the innovative and dynamic spirit of a profession “dedicated to public service,” according to a news release.

The award nominees are judged on application of engineering principles, originality and innovation, complexity, social significance and economic impact.

Economic impact!? You mean the $10 million dollar mortgage we are stuck with from the CIP every year while SMG and other contractors cash in? This award must be some kind of sick joke.

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