South DaCola

143 Frames of Questions at the Sioux Falls City Council Meeting (6/16/2015)


We present the mysterious missing 143 frame video from the Sioux Falls City Council June 16, 2015 pool rate 1st reading.

We’ve been noticing some strange things when stuff doesn’t go as planned at some Sioux Falls city events. Variations of the videos seem to happen with a weird regularity. Is SIRE or the City video system so bad (or so good) it always seems to crash when there are events not going the administration’s way, it dumps? We’re just asking. Let’s show you 143 frames of missing video with the correct audio running in the background…

We decided to dig into the video a bit deeper this time. Too bad MayorCam was not running so we would have the rest of the story. Oh well, we’ll work with what we have.

It appears the full view camera had a “problem” at the start of the segment and the video portion of  Christine Erickson’s image was stretched forward overlapping what was happening at the center of

the podium.  Remember the scene from our full video  where we ask the question “What?” (Kearney & Turbak trip going to Council 2016 06 16)

These are the official minutes of the SF City Council, why are they messing with them?

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