I did not attend the Eagles concert, and I think it certainly improved my quality of life.


By l3wis

21 thoughts on “A real professional”
  1. This guy is like a loose cannon….

    Why is the new AL publisher not keeping him in check!?

    He seems to have a short memory.

    Four out of every 10 SF voters cast a NO vote for the EC.

    So, they’re all morons, right Stu…..!!!

  2. whitney is clueless. That shows every time he does a press release for his real boss, huether. The vast majority of SF residents were not at that concert for one reason. No money left at the end of the month for this kind of entertainment. Half our school kids on free or reduced lunches. If people live within the interstate boundaries of SF, they are subsisting on median households incomes of $44,000 a year and less. I’m guessing at least 90% of the argus employees did not go because they are simply too broke to afford it. Are all of these people MORONS? Yes indeed. This guy is a loose cannon.

  3. What do you call a person who rants against a parade for a children’s charity.


  4. I’d like to see a survey done of how many people think “STFU” Whitney is a moron. I bet it’s higher than 4 out of every 10.

  5. Yes, he should have taken more care in his choice of words, but I like the EC and I only wish I could have been at the Eagle’s concert. Music, like that of the Eagles, improves the quality of life.

  6. The Eagles are a generational thing. I had the ‘Hotel California’ album. Who didn’t in the 1980’s? Stu wasn’t from that era. Today, ask most what an album was and they don’t know. The Eagles go to North Dakota from here. A sure sign their popularity has waned. It surprised me they filled the Premier Center. I’d go but would travel to Fargo. Tickets are cheaper, seats are better, and their arena wasn’t thrown together in 3 months with inferior materials, shoddy workmanship, and lack of proper inspections. Yes, I’m old. Old enough and still here because I didn’t buy a ticket on the Titanic.

  7. This is the reason they keep him on. The Argus has a long history of having someone with a little controversy in their opinion department.

    BTW, I am reporting Stu to The Eagles. :>) All phones were to be off during the concert. There were 6 phone Nazis policing the first 30 rows and if a phone even lite up, they were on you. The Eagles appear to be quite sensitive about their copyrights.

  8. Stusche Bag needs to get a clue. Fat, drunk and being the Mayor’s lap dog is no way to go through life, son.

  9. Seems plausible from the photo angles, that Whitney was enjoying his enhanced quality of life from the perch of one of the suites in the Premier Grain Bin. (I’m also guessing that the camera nazi’s made less-regular patrol of the comfy surroundings of the suites).

    In the interest of full-disclosure and journalistic integrity, perhaps Mr. Whitney might disclose the way in which he happened upon his tickets, as well as his host/benefactor for the evening’s event.

  10. Daily spit, I was at the sold out Eagles concert, and am here to tell you their popularity is hardly waning! They are wrapping up a 3 yr tour that covers 3 continents,and 142 dates. Their final couple months happen to be in smaller, yet nice venues like we have at the Denny! Last yr they played Omaha and Des moines, late summer, and looking at their schedule, hit most major cities in USA. Don’t know why all the hate for the denny on this site, think if any of you gave it a try, you would grow to like it! Bunch of damn OLD Haters in here!

  11. 57….you’re missing the point. The majority of tax payers in this town who are paying for the “DENNY”, do not have the disposable income to “give it a try.” Like the other indoor palaces popping up all over town with an ego maniacs name on it, these palaces are not for median wage earner who’s paying for them.

  12. 43, thinking your missing the point, look at the caliber of talent that has played here, and booked to play here, now compare that to the old silo(sfarena), NO comparison! Last yr when I heard the Eagles were playing in Omaha and Des moines, and I couldn’t make either, i was like wtf? I thank god for the Denny, doubt they would have played an old worn out arena! That was my first concert, and won’t be my last this yr as I will pick and choose now,an option we NEVER had before, would have loved to see Bob Seger also, didn’t save enough aluminum scrap, ie, beer cans, gutters/downspouts needed to go! Am with you on the way it was pushed on Sioux Falls, but I figure it’s here, I’m gonna use it. It’s kind of like getting the best medical facility, either Avera or Sanford of today 2015, or the 1972 version of McKennan or Sioux Valley, which would you prefer when that care is needed?

  13. Come on Stu, I have a feeling that the quality of life for those who can afford those insane ticket prices is already pretty good.

  14. 57, nice that you and another 30% of the SF residents can afford the denny. Most cannot afford to pay 20 times what it cost to see the Eagles back when they were relevant. Today? Has beens.


    I do remember when the Eagles were relevant to my age group. Back when the only thing passed around at an Eagles concert were doobies. With today’s crowd of eagle fans? I’m guessing the things passed around are Ex-Lax, Lipitor, and Viagra.

    I would no more see a band popular in 1972 than I would to pay and see Franco Harris suit up and play tailback for the Storm. Good in their day, but today? At these prices? You can have em.

  15. And now I see that Stu is going to have Chuck Brennan on his “Su Fu Stu” show, whatever that is. A great opportunity for him to brown-nose another glorified loan shark. Who is Stu angling to work for next, Chuck or Denny?

  16. stu and lalley will be the newsletter writers and greeters at the new pawn shop. lalley will be the one to appraise the bikes that people bring into pawn.

  17. For all of you who contend that the Eagles are irrelevant, I would argue that good music like that of the Eagles, Beatles, Dylan and others, will always be relevant. Creative genius never goes out of style. The great ones wrote, recorded and performed music that has universal appeal and will be popular for all time to come.

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