South DaCola

City Board continues meeting after adjournment


What good are open meeting laws? Why do we have them? Bruce Danielson recently filed an Open Meetings complaint because of the City Council’s special meeting called for the regular time, in the regular place with the regular agenda because of a “clerical” error did not follow Sioux Falls City ordinance.

We were promised an explanation but of course we never got one. It’s Sioux Falls city government blasting through another set of loopholes like usual.

Our video today is the volunteer Billboard Study Group looking into the billboard mess created by the hasty implementation of Shape Places. The meeting was actually quite informative. Rick Kiley did a good job moving the meeting through the posted agenda. His fellow board member citizens asked good questions and politely listened to the city staffers there to feed them data. Great.

What’s the point of this video and what does it have to do with Bruce’s affidavit? When Rick Kiley adjourned the meeting and the audience left, why did Shawna Goldammer start a second meeting? The second meeting was not just the members talking about golf or tennis or the Eagles concert. The members stayed in their seats and continued on with an open discussion period they should have had before adjournment.

So here we have testimony from remaining staff, public and lively discussion amongst members which will become a basis for their billboard decisions to come.

What good are open meeting laws? What good are City Clerk staff and City Attorneys when they cut and run without advising average citizens to shut down a questionably proper meeting? Shawna Goldammer has been support staff to many advisory groups, she should have known better or should she?

This is another example of why my cameraman is showing up at more city meetings and events. Our administration runs such a sloppy ship our cameras need to be there to document the carnage. So again, what groups, committees, task forces or boards, organized as official or unofficial, as advisory or administrative required to follow or not to follow state law or City Charter or city ordinance? Why? We citizens just want a level playing field so we know. Too many supposedly public meetings are actually conducted and decisions are made without public notice or input.

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