We have to go all the way back to December 6, 2010. (Item #16, FF: 41:00) Great conversation. The mayor, councilor Diamond Jim and Bob Litz claim to be ‘confused’ about the ordinance. I’m no attorney or accountant, but I think the language is pretty clear. I think a 5th grader could understand it. It’s just a bunch of smoke and mirrors to get it to fail. And in Mayor Mike’s classic ‘sour grapes/Crybaby style’ since it passed he didn’t sign it. Same with the bus passes.

The city council was simply reinstating ordinance that was rescinded during the Munson administration (Doc Res. 109-10) which is a great fiscal tool for the city.

Councilor Brown actually does a great job of explaining the measure.


Basically a security blanket so there is reserves at the end of the year and monthly. As I understand from what happened back then, (some) on the city council feared that the mayor was going to dip in the cookie jar for extra money for the Events Center.

What is ironic about him being against this back then, TODAY, he is constantly bragging about how big of reserves we have now.

This guy calls himself a banker with business acumen but doesn’t understand two simple percentages? One about monthly cash balance and an end of the year reserve balance.

He was full of BS four years ago and still is today.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Huether has refused to sign a resolution in the past . . .”
  1. if he can’t take credit for something, he won’t do it. it’s all about mmm.

  2. There’s a distinct pattern here. If it’s something the council and the public wants that wasn’t his idea, no way.

  3. “We will scramble and get it done. However, businesses, nonprofits and families are not successful with a fire, aim, ready approach and government is absolutely no different.” – MMM

    All this grumbling by the Mayor over what amounts to about $5,000 in revenue. How much work is really necessary to take the existing pass and give it away for free, or for bus drivers to ask kids to show an ID? This isn’t rocket science.

    Also loved Tracy Turbak’s comment about “people don’t place a value on what they don’t have to pay for.” Well, people also don’t pay for what they don’t value. And based on ridership numbers, it’s clear to me that balance point for SAM is probably a lot less than a buck a ride.

    Your mayor and his staff seem more interested in playing the role of Aesop with their moralist tales than in actually governing effectively.

  4. Do you suppose his rejection of the idea is because it initially began with Jamison, at least that is how I understand it?

    After all, NotMMM is the only one with leadership ability, as he sees it! Heaven forbid it all if the idea comes from an opponent.

    Also, I would like to comment about Tracy Turbak. I have often wondered if he likes himself when he’s alone and focuses on the shenanigans and requests from NotMMM that he must accommodate to give authenticity to whatever problem is at hand.

  5. Petty.

    And this issue did not just sneak up on HisManMike(TM) and the staff of City Hall.

    On his radio show last week, Belfrage essentially outed hizzhonor by disclosing that they had discussed this issue off-air when Huether was in the studio for their bro-mance love-fest session a month beforehand.

    (Spoken with a defiant glare into camera) “If that’s what you choose to do with the month that the Lord gave to you …”

  6. What intrigues me about MMM saving money here and there and then proudly displaying those numbers for everyone to know about, is that nobody seems to know where all of his other cuts are happening. For instance, I found out from a reliable source that street sign companies are supposed to re-paint the crosswalks by schools (and other places) every 2 years… for safety reasons… but some of our school zones have crosswalks barely visible as they haven’t been able to do them for FOUR years. You can barely see some of them!! So we risk our children’s safety in the name of a few percentage points of money built into a “safety net” or whatever he calls it! Not to mention our roads falling apart and he could be allocating a bit more money for some road repair or replacement rather than risking our safety. I don’t like the idea of paying taxes just to save up for a rainy day… rainy days WILL happen, I understand, but if we neglect our immediate needs to function safety, we will literally crumble apart and I don’t want that to happen when we have a literal rainy day.

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