As you can see the agenda for today’s informational meeting has been posted since Friday, but the coinciding documents in SIRE are a mystery. No surprise, ever since Mayor Huether has been doing the Capital Presentation he has kept it a secret until a few minutes before the meeting starts to not only the public, but to the city council (they still haven’t received it). As usual, he says he has great transparency with the city council, but can’t even let them see his proposal, even for a couple of hours before the meeting.

Mike can claim transparency and communication all he wants, but his claims are more suited for fertilizer in a farm field then in the chambers of a public building.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Mayor Huether’s ‘Mysterious’ Capital Improvement Proposal”
  1. Go ahead and say shit. Fertilizer in a farm field is a run on sentence. Oh the games the mayor plays. They’d be commendable were they not so obvious, devious, and contemptable.

  2. His definition of transparency is a spy style one way mirror. He sees but you can’t. You’re lucky he allows you your reflection.

  3. What’s worse is he’s involving his directors by having their explanations in the CIP budget made intentionally vague so they don’t have the information needed to ask informed questions let alone to justify the increases.

    The Mayor’s game playing needs to stop. Maybe the council should refuse to reappoint any of his directors if he wants to play games, they can return the favor.

    The people who would be placed in charge of the departments in “acting” positions would still be in midmanagement positions and could not be fired for answering the council’s questions unlike appointed directors can.

  4. been wondering for a while now, were monies for paratransit services funneled somewhere else—- I think it”s a possibility?????

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