My roommate for over 11 years, and 3 months said goodbye to me yesterday.
Sodapop, named after a character from my favorite book ‘The Outsiders’ went peaceful, and did not suffer. We were fortunate enough to spend the past weekend together listening to Jazz (he loved Coltrane). Taking a lazy Saturday afternoon nap, perusing Falls Park (his favorite place besides his personal swimming pool at 8th and Phillips-the old horse drinking fountain). Playing one last game of ‘ball’ with one of the many Wilson tennis balls we snag at McKennan Park. And a drive around town so he could get one last ‘sniff’.
A horny, stinky, man to the end.
Sodapop never behaved well but loved everyone and always had a big grin for anyone who wanted to be his bud, I never tried to change him, wild man to the end, and I never apologized for his behavior.
He had many great friends, especially Hank Dog, Kirby and Robert the cat, and he loved to dance, mostly for any naive kid that mistaken his leg humping for the Salsa.
Apparently he ‘Hugs on the wrong side’.
I will miss your stinky butt. The only entity more inappropriate then me, and he always did it with a smile and a ball lick.
While he had some infamous attributes, Sodapop hardly ever barked at anyone (except me) and he never bit or attacked anyone, he truly wanted to be everyone’s friend. I’ve never had a pet who so genuinely wanted to be everyone’s friend, I miss that about him the most. While some people’s pets are stuck up, mean, finicky or irritable, he always showed love towards others (sometimes a little too much) even though he was uncomfortable at the end, he never showed it.
He always knew when I was down about something, and would always comfort me. He had an amazing pulse on what I was doing.
Soda was fortunate enough to join me for the Unity Concert last Fall in the Black Hills where he was the co-pilot of Uncle Bruce’s old camper RV. It was his greatest adventure, and he truly loved it.
Stay Golden Sodapop!
Condolances. Theres no better friend than a dog who accepts everything about you and returns love despite your misgivings. He’ll have residual effect from the bit part on YouTube posts.
Never met Sodapop, but I’m sure he was a great dog. Feel like I know him though. Must be all the times I’ve seen him and you go thru the “Come on Sodapop, let’s go” routine. Really a hard time. Hang in there.
A good dog, Truly Man’s (and likely many Women’s) Best Friend.
Nice tribute. Be well, sir. (BTW – Bette in a Bind is still happily on my wall.)
The dog shares an attribute of God. The dog offers unconditional love as does our Lord. All one has to do is accept the love.
I offer the following advise. The best tribute to Sodapop is to get another dog in his honor. There are so very many who need a home. I am sure he would approve!
Dog Lover, thank you. That was wonderful. And yes, I have been thinking about adopting, but I need some time. Besides my farm dog Sandy (Red Heeler) Soda was my fave.
Duke, saw you on the TV land. Looks like you are happy and doing great things! I’m proud of you! Next time I am in your neck of the woods, I would like to hook up, but NOT in your professional capacity
Sorry you lost your dog.
Poly, I still blame the Falls Park bathing for his demise. I remember one time he took a dip, and I sprayed him down when we got home, and soaped him down, and it still didn’t make the stink go away;
Found this stretch of toons I did about Soda and my shirt-tale cousin’s cat.
Very sorry for your loss.
Neil Young comes to mind, singing about his dog King, and for Sodapop too, long may you run.
It’s hard to have your best bud go. I have had dogs and cats die and never gets easier. I find I cry more now. I have one old dog right now and it’s hard to think of him getting to the end. Sorry for your loss don’t be afraid to get another buddy
It was my pleasure to have Sodapop on our trip west. Well most of the time. Sodapop will live long in my memories of what a fun dog can be. He also taught me other things which will forever live on videos….
“Come on Sodapop, let’s go!”
Sodapop had fans! The few times I was around him my impression was he thought he was human just smaller and with 4 legs.
Sodapop was a cool, little dog. It is wonderful when a person can have a pet and that pet gives you unconditional love. But I know, his master, was very good to him, so Sodapop showed his kindness back. May he RIP! Hang in there Lewis. The heartache eventually goes away.