South DaCola

Sioux Falls Parks Board Meeting 6/16/2015


Finally a video recording of these mysterious meetings.

My cameraman Bruce finally found a Sioux Falls Park Board meeting to attend on June 16, 2015. He searched the dark Great Bear lodge and found a place to setup so you might understand how it works in Sioux Falls, aka, Huetherville, SD. Don Kearney could not have found a more out of the way place to hide his planned rate increase vote and still be in Huetherville.

Notice how the camera and 4 citizens sitting in the audience had a difficult time seeing the panel discuss the topic of the day, the gouging of the swimming and not Huetherville public.

Remember this is only a swimming pool, its just indoors. Why do we have to worry about the difference between “Aquatic Center” versus “Swimming Pool” for a rate increase? When did the City Council adopt the classification difference. We will get into this more in our next installment, “Kearney goes to Council”.

As Kearney completes his PowerPoint the interesting events start to take place. In short order, the Park’s department agenda quickly tanked. The 7 members of the board torpedoed the administration’s planned rate increase. Mike Crane offered a temporary counter rate plan when Kearney insisted he had to have something to take to the City Council the same night.

Nothing like waiting until the last minute to try and sneak something past the voters, Park Board and City Council only to fail in a big way. Congratulations Mr. Kearney!

By the way, we have be advocating for all city boards, commissions, planning sessions and working sessions to be broadcasted. CityLink and the Internet access would allow all the people to see how their government works. It would go a long way to opening up the process for all. The many of the disastrous decisions perpetrated by our “most open administration in city history” could have been adverted.

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