
(Screenshot; Argus Leader Media) “Mistakes? What mistakes?”

At Pam’s retirement presser today, she stayed true to herself to the end. Getting a golden parachute, blaming others for her communication problems, and in denial of her career.

Not surprised, I didn’t expect a Jimmy Swaggart moment.

She told the press an announcement will be made in the next couple of weeks about her new job.

UPDATE: The conjecture amongst us South DaCola foot soldiers is she will be the new Executive Director of the South Dakota Democratic party, but Augustana and the two health systems have been mentioned. Not sure, just speculation at this point. What makes us suspicious of the ED position is that she has a very cozy relationship with the Mayor, who is probably going to run for governor.

When asked if she had any disappointments as the Super, she had only one thing to say. “I wish I would have had a bigger paper shredder.” Ho Hum, just kidding. She replied, “I wish I would have taken vacation more.”

When asked by an Argus reporter about people criticizing her transparency and communication issues, she killed the messenger, literally. She blamed the Argus for basically creating the controversy.

A fitting end to Dr. Homan’s District career.

5 Thoughts on “Super Homan; Defiant to the end

  1. My Mistake Mike on June 11, 2015 at 12:37 pm said:

    A press conference? She’s been nothing but difficult to work with – why would the press acknowledge her by even showing up?

    I hear she’s going to work at Augustana.

  2. The Daily Spin on June 11, 2015 at 1:47 pm said:

    Just go away. Retire and shovel horse crap the rest of your life. A fitting end.

  3. Be part of the solution on June 11, 2015 at 2:59 pm said:

    I can’t wait to see what our current board will be like now that they do not have anyone to blame or hide behind on their decisions. They will be bringing in their guy which they hired behind closed doors, so they will have no wiggle room now. I just hope they please listen more to the public and be more visible. I would like to see them visit schools more often and actually talk to current teachers and coordinators!

  4. Karma on June 11, 2015 at 3:58 pm said:

    Unfortunately she was allowed to rule the roost at her discretion whenever and however. This behavior does not surprise me one bit. Why would she change now?

    As a side note – I would love to see her as the Exec Dir for the Dem party and try and get Huether elected. They are two of the most despised individuals in Pierre and within their respective professions in the state.

  5. Joan on June 11, 2015 at 4:53 pm said:

    Being she must be too feeble to stand up for a speech, how can she even consider taking another job?

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