Here are some interesting stories South DaCola Soldiers sent me over the past few days;

• Hey, but the siding on the Events Center is NOT ‘Structural’. Except when it falls on you!

• This is what happens when we let our police force act like the military.

• Guess who’s neighborhood is getting their street re-surfaced AGAIN!


• Mike Rounds, still a fake and a joke.

• Chuck Luden sends me more strange photos.

statues in Aberdeen


By l3wis

5 thoughts on “The Daily Breakdown”
  1. They should have left the pot hole open on MMM’s street so the poor kids have a place to swim next summer.

  2. Winston should get his facts straight- eighth most wealthy of new members of Congress. If you look at a list of the wealthiest members of Congress eleven of the first twenty-one are in fact democrats- just saying

  3. Matt, I didn’t know this was a partisan issue…. I must of struck a nerve…..;-)

  4. Winston, it is easy to say your comments were non partisan but the thread is there. You still do not address that you misstated the facts.

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