South DaCola

The ‘Lies’ told before the election about pool rates

As you know, many of the ‘Advocational’ sessions before the municipal elections were recorded by South DaCola. I had a group of soldiers review them recently for times when rates were mentioned. Here are our results;

(FF to 23:00) - Sioux Falls Advocational Education Session #1 3/3/2014

(FF to 14:00) - Sioux Falls Advocational Education Session #3 3 12 2014

(FF to 16:30 . . . goes past 17:00) - Sioux Falls Advocational Education Session #5 3/20/2014

(FF to 16:00 then to 22:00) - Sioux Falls Advocational Education Session #8 3/31/2014

As you will see, the Parks Department employees, mostly the Director, Don Kearney repeatedly say in the meetings;

• The City Council will set the indoor pool rates. As we know now, the Parks Department is trying to set the rates and FORCE the council to pass their suggestions.

• Indoor and Outdoor pool rates would be the SAME and a yearly pass would be good for ALL of the facilities (Indoor and Outdoor). They now have suggested splitting them into two separate passes and charging MORE for indoor pass.

• The aquatic consultants recommended the rate structure staying the same for both facility. Today, there is NO mention of this recommendation by the Parks Department in there latest proposal.

• The rates will not change (go up) after the indoor facility is built.

As we have been pointing out since the election, many lies were told to us about the indoor pool. It was not paid for with bonds, there hasn’t been an MOU with the VA, and now we are separating classes of people when it comes to who can use the facilities.

As I understand, from a text message I just got from a foot soldier at the Parks meeting, the Board just voted 7-0 to pull the rate recommendations for the indoor pool and revisit those rates in 2016 and just focus on the outdoor rates.

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