South DaCola

Uber and Pool Party


The Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation Department decided to spring a major swimming pass rate increase on the City Council 23 hours before the June 9, 2015 Informational. No notice, no participation or consultations were considered in bringing this to the Council. The administration shows once again it has so little regard bordering on contempt for our elected legislative body if feels emboldened to do it once again.

This meeting is one of the best mash-ups we have ever witnessed between the Council and the secretive Sioux Falls city administration.

Why must everything the administration gets involved in have to be so secretive. The veil of secrets is going to be the mayor’s downfall yet.

We give the Q&A portion of this meeting to you complete and unedited because every member of the council asked more questions then we citizens could have asked for. Congratulate them the next time you see any of them and thank them for the demonstration of how a legislature is supposed to work.

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