Watch all the fun HERE, and my rough PDF document of the slides:Â 85thex-1-29
It seems a lot of fun stuff came from this, including an ever changing timeline by the city (jumped from 2016, to 2018 to 2020 city participation timeline in 2 short years).
I also seem to think this is kind of strange we would be passing up sales tax revenue by not deciding to annex this until 2020. Can you imagine having several big box stores in an area where no municipal sales taxes apply? So when you go buy a $3000 television you only pay the state’s 4 pennies instead of the city’s 6 pennies? Why would the city pass on this opportunity?
I will tell you why. Pissing matches between developers and those who butter our mayor’s bread. There was a laundry list of big wigs in government and development in the crowd today, guess who was missing? Michael Bender and Michael Huether . . . . Hmmm.
Ummm – I don’t see any big-box retail in those plans. I do see lots of office/business park like stuff and a couple hotels.
Ruf, watch the presentation, they said several big box retailers are interested. Off the record I have heard Big Bass Pro Shops is one of them.
On a Tuesday nite July 14tb 20 past 9. The machinery is in full swing at 85 and Audie. Wtf. Don’t they have to stop for bonita. 200 ft away. What say you judge long.
On 20 past 9. The machinery is in full swing at 85 and Audie. Wtf. Don’t they have to stop for bonita. 200 ft away. What say you judge long.
Almost on cue total silence at the 85th and minn Walfart site at 9 45 pm. You my friend scott e have more clout than you know. Hang in there. We’re not done yet
Not being inside city limits is why there’s development. Getting through city zoning without bribes is a tremendous incentive. This is where the south Walmart will be. We’ll be moving south once Sioux Falls defaults on bonds, there’s no money for infrastructure, the mall implodes, and the city fills with vagrants.
Actually, as much as I appreciate the service that Scott provides with his blogging, I doubt he had any influence on this.
It’s call the City’s Noise Ordinance (part of the Charter) which states there cannot be noise above a certain decibel between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. That would include for example heavy equipment AND garbage trucks!