Usually when a zoning issue like this is defeated (Item #20), it takes a couple of months before they come back with an alternative plan. I’m not sure if I am missing something here, but it doesn’t seem like there is much of an alternative plan, I guess we will have to wait to hear the new testimony tomorrow night at the council meeting. The council will be setting a date of hearing for August 11.

Powder House Part II

I am also hearing there will be quite a bit of testimony for rescinding the Powder House road name change. I know the armies on both sides of the issue are lining up the troops, remember, NO REPETITIVE testimony, or the mayor will lecture us about how we are supposed to address OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS in OUR PUBLIC BUILDING on OUR OWN TIME. He seems to have trouble with that 1st Amendment thingy.

Public Services meeting could be informative . . .

I guess the presentation of the proposed 85th street interstate interchange will have a host of presenters, including private developers/landowners, county officials, state officials and city officials from Tea & Harrisburg. I suppose a few stragglers from the mayor’s office will chime in also.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Billion takes another shot at the street vacation”
  1. If the city doesn’t work with Billion, there’s lots of freeway frontage south in Lincoln County where land is cheaper, taxes lower, and zoning inconsequential.

  2. If this move by Billion to vacate Duluth Avenue between 41st and 39th Streets is successful, it creates a negative impact on a publicly owned city park, Dan Dugan.

    Dan Dugan Park will be hemmed in on three sides by car/truck lots. The only access point the public will have is 37th Street which has no on-street parking. There is no parking lot designated for the park itself.

  3. “Dan Dugan Park will be hemmed in on three sides by car/truck lots. The only access point the public will have is 37th Street which has no on-street parking. There is no parking lot designated for the park itself.”

    Which is EXACTLY why the supporters of the SAVE DUGAN PARK movement from a few years back should have instead backed MY movement, PAVE DUGAN PARK.

    Then we could all concentrate on the real important things in life like the siding on The Denny and the lack of a MOU on the indoor pool.

  4. I remember that fiasco, I also remember their success in saving the park. I attended the celebration party. Billion and the city have been trying to kill that park for years. Park User is right, it would be the final nail in the coffin for Dugan Park. It often amazes me how little attention we give our central parks and streets. We are literally building a $24 million dollar indoor pool facility in the middle of town surrounded by piss poor streets and lackluster parks.

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