
Two weeks ago four Sioux Falls city councilors and the mayor (broke tie) to hire a construction manager at risk for a new proposed administration building. The problem is, besides an empty lot next to a porn shop that the city owns, there is no architectural drawings, no budget and no real plan. In layman’s terms, four city councilor’s and the mayor are getting the cart in front of the horse. If you owned a business and wanted to expand or were building your own home you would budget first for a project before hiring a contractor. You would draw up plans and financial timeline. That’s common sense. This is a replay of the indoor pool all over again. The citizens voted down an OUTDOOR pool, that’s it, then a couple of weeks later we were full steam ahead on an indoor pool. This kind of piss poor planning has to end.


3 Thoughts on “NO Plans, NO Budget, but we are hiring a project manager

  1. Sioux Falls will hire Mortensen again. Since we’ve proven to be such a push over when it comes to contract language, Mortensen can take that money and payoff the money they owe to the Vikings stadium group.

  2. come on on July 26, 2015 at 1:41 pm said:

    The whole point of the CMAR project delivery method is to get a contractor on board as early in the project as possible to help the architect with the plan preparation and hopefully avoid constructability issues and to maximize what you can build with the given budget. That being said, I agree it is dumb to hire a CMAR before the budget is set, but it is good to hire one as early in the process as possible.

  3. The Daily Spin on July 27, 2015 at 12:38 pm said:

    Ready, fire, aim. I believe this is a way for the mayor to achieve consideration for a contract awarded beyond his term limit.

    Consideration, definition:
    1. Careful thought
    2. A reward and/or PAYMENT

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