OLLI Sioux Falls – Fall Open House is Wednesday, August 19th from 1:30-4pm at the University Center (4801 North Career Ave)…Mayor Mike Huether will speak at 2pm “Sioux Falls – A Mecca for Retirementâ€, University Center’s main building: Avera Hall and Commons area.  Fun time to learn more about OLLI and to meet friends. Welcome back to OLLI, we have MISS you over the summer!
I hear many attendees are looking forward to interacting with the mayor.
I’d go but there’s not enough time for my interrogatory and he cuts off criticism. I’ll catch some of it via blogs and the news. He’s become this city’s best humor. Sioux Falls is great if you live south on the hill and install a $100k security system. Property taxes rise annually because the city will not concede budget to the county for social services and the jail. City debt for a population of 160k is half a billion dollars. Top 10 for similar size cities. Signs that sales tax is going to 10%. Empty nesters subsidize indoor recreation reserved for kids of wealthy parents. City government is oligarchy, not democracy. South Dakota is a great place for retirement but make sure you live outside city limits and order goods tax free and cheaper from the Internet.
Property taxes go up every year. That is, unless you are a billboard sign company. Their taxes never go up, as we have learned. Yet they appear to enjoy equal property rights.
Teatime, billboards are a lease. Sign companies don’t pay property taxes. The leasor usually has say 5% increases annually. It’s meant for inflation and property tax increases.