Once again, this weeks city council meeting is full of surprises;

Item #1, approval of contracts; ‘Cold weather gear’ I guess the city has to buy it’s employees coats and gloves.

Item #7, Doesn’t look like they are really fixing the city’s ticket fee structure, just letting the facilities decide for all other events;

Fees for all other admissions shall be established by the facility operator after consultation with the city finance director. The fee shall not exceed $3.00.

Item#14 & #16, approving more diagonal parking Downtown, will the spots be metered (especially between 6th and 5th on Phillips?

Item #17, Hiring a Construction manager at Risk for a ‘proposed’ administration building. While the council has already been briefed on this, they haven’t even presented a solid plan yet and they are already considering hiring a construction manager. How did that work out for the Events Center?

Item#21, The Big one of the night, a reconsideration of renaming Powder House Road to Veterans Parkway;


This is interesting, we now find out that not many Vets and Veteran groups were NOT involved with this decision, so now they may rescind it. I think Russell Avenue Veterans Parkway would be more appropriate.

7 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Council meeting tidbits (7/14/2015)

  1. The Daily Spin on July 13, 2015 at 9:31 am said:

    The city turned a mile of Powder House Road into a limited access freeway. The rest is 2 lanes or gravel. The mayor and council choose to recognize vets with a short dead end freeway on the east side. Gee, thanks. Then, twist the knife when the ‘Veterans Parkway’ name is dropped to become Loop 2990 around the east and south sides of town. It shows that only one member of the council is a vet. The mayor cried and colored his purple heart when his mother put a bandaid on his knee scrape from the tennis court.

  2. My Mistake Mike on July 13, 2015 at 11:25 am said:

    What gives with item #20 on the agenda? I thought the Council already told Billion “no” on closing Duluth Ave north of 41st Street.

  3. l3wis on July 13, 2015 at 11:29 am said:

    I missed that! Good Catch. Wonder if Dave Jr. will show up again to rattle the old man’s cage?

  4. l3wis on July 13, 2015 at 11:32 am said:

    I guess also there is going to be quite a cadre of folks for both sides on the Powder House road issue. Rolfing is busy out recruiting people to talk in favor of keeping it as Veterans Parkway, while the historical society and other veteran groups are rallying the troops (literally). I’m sure MMM will give one of his riveting speeches about not being repetitive. I might go up and tell him we are tired of him scolding the public.

  5. anonymous on July 13, 2015 at 2:59 pm said:

    What is up with Item #20!?

    The neighborhood was very vocal at the Council meeting that they DO NOT WANT Duluth vacated between 41st and 39th Streets.

    Billion Jr., former partner in this dealership, even spoke that evening IN OPPOSITION to the plan.

    Now, they are indicating they have an agreement!???

    Billion already owns many of the properties in this subdivision.

    Question: WHO OWNS Lots 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,and 9, Block 4, Roger Mills 1st Addition to South Sioux Falls,
    Minnehaha County, SD, and Nash Finch Addition to the City of Sioux Falls,Minnehaha County, SD?

  6. My Mistake Mike on July 13, 2015 at 9:13 pm said:

    Fact is that Billion already owns the entire existing property – including the Lewis half of the building and parking lot. If Billion needs more space for more trucks, they already have it. This is purely a greed move.

  7. teatime on July 13, 2015 at 10:54 pm said:

    Russell street is a better candidate for this renaming.

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