If there is one thing that has been consistent about the indoor aquatic center, it has been lies, broken promises and half-truths. The Argus Leader did a video interview today with a construction manager of the site, he was explaining the three different pools that were going to be built inside the building, and when he was talking about the therapy pool he said it would/could “be used by the veterans from the VA.”

Nobody from the VA has ever confirmed this, but the administration, the parks department and NOW the construction manager continue to peddle this to the public.

Enough! Until you get a signed agreement with the VA about this, stop telling people that is the case. Now there will be nothing stopping veterans from using the pool on their own time, but don’t affiliate that with the VA.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “So now the construction manager for the Indoor Aquatics center is spreading mis-information”
  1. There’s plenty of hearsay about the therapy pool for vets. Enough so that the VA can demand use. What they don’t know is it’s available one minute every leap year. Might as well be nonexistent. Use will be overpriced without discounts for Vets or average citizens. It’s another benefit of belonging to the closed membership Huether country club.

  2. This building is the mother lode….IF you are a snowfox swimmer. Of course, with a new and much improved place to call home, look for Snowfox membership to jump from $1500 plus a year per kid to more than 2,000 per member.

  3. SPOT ON, SOUTHDACOLA. I had the same reaction when I watched that video – who is this hard hat to be making claims about how the VA will use the pool?!!! However, one has to consider how a video like this is created: the “raw” interview field video (images & audio) is edited to make the finished report. The producer/editor determines what portions of an interview subject’s remarks are included in the finished product. Sometimes an interviewee is dull or nervous on camera. It leaves one little to work with. So, creative decisions are made in order to fill time or make the interviewee sound more articulate. The finished product can end up including an off-hand remark like this VA prediction because “it fits” or “it helps a sentence make sense” or “play more smoothly”. On the other hand, an interview statement like this could be included because the producer/editor simply makes a bad or uninformed editorial decision. Unfortunate…but upper level media management should be professional enough to catch this before it’s put up on the web site, and order a re-edit before the public sees it. Management is ultimately responsible regardless of how far down the org chart the poor judgement originated. SHAME ON PATRICK LALLEY FOR THE MILLIONth TIME!

  4. Jay K. made the video. I don’t think he has much to worry about with repercussions, he is leaving the Argus soon to persue a private business, out of town and out of state.

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