So the Mayor is claiming he had no clue they kept redoing his streets (since he was mayor) and downgrading there grades;

Huether was out of town on vacation last week, according to spokeswoman Heather Hitterdal. Hitterdal added in an email that any insinuation that Huether used his influence to get his road repaired “is a ridiculous accusation.”

Well he wasn’t on vacation Tuesday, because he ran the meeting. As for his ‘influence’ one could argue there is a lot of people who live in that neighborhood who have lots of influence, but isn’t it ironic all this street work happened AFTER Huether became mayor. This isn’t something Ellis pulled out of his butt (BTW, one of his best investigative stories, H/T to Sneve also) Ellis has been working on this story for more then 3 years, but for some reason ‘the most transparent city hall in history’ wasn’t giving him the information he needed. Until now. And like when Huether was asked about the quit claim deed at Spellerberg at a ‘Shut up & Listen’ session, he plays dumb.

13 Thoughts on “Yeah, let’s talk ‘Ridiculous’

  1. Poly43 on July 12, 2015 at 2:08 pm said:

    I doubt if anyone in this town is more than 1 or 2 degrees of separation from knowing a city employee. Ask them if they think there was any influence? There are approximately 1400 city employees, 400 of which are part time no benefits employees by the way. I’ve said it before on these pages, and I’ll say it again. If only city employees were allowed to vote, all 1400 hundred of em, I doubt mmm could get to a 100 who’d vote for him.

  2. The Daily Spin on July 12, 2015 at 6:03 pm said:

    Poly, a third of city employees can’t vote here. They live outside city limits.

    Must be nice, the week your street is getting repaved you’re out of town with the city paying your expenses and indirectly funding your political campaign. Since when does the mayor have a spokesperson?

  3. l3wis on July 12, 2015 at 6:08 pm said:

    Yeah, isn’t it nice, he has his ‘minions’ making excuses for him now. Lame . . . . wait for it . . . duck.

  4. Joan on July 12, 2015 at 6:54 pm said:

    I can’t think of anything nice to say, so I will keep my big mouth shut. I think the problem is I’m really tired.

  5. “She also released what she said was an email chain, initiated by Huether, after the mayor learned his street was being repaved in a letter the city sent to his home. The email, dated April 6, was sent to other city officials. In it, Huether expresses happiness that his road is being repaved, but he also wondered how his area got prioritized when other roads are in worse shape.”

    So he knew back in April his road that didn’t need repaved was being redone and kept his mouth shut. Yet when he’s disagreed with Cotter before, he’s been witnessed out in public telling him to get the “f*cking mess straightened out”

    So which is it? the Mayor that has to live with his street being repaired multiple times while in office and can’t get projects changed or the one that can curse like no other (then chew people out for using the word a$$ at a council meeting like he’s a saint) and get project dollars moved that year?

    Cotter defended the city’s maintenance system. …Redoing Crowne Point this year put all the roads in the area on the same maintenance schedule, making it easier for the city to manage future maintenance projects in the area, he said.

    Nice save Cotter! And by that, I mean your job!

    “Cotter also cautioned against using the data to draw conclusions about the street conditions…”

    Yes, using data is always a bad thing thing. we should use speculation and guessing instead of facts and transparency. The fact that it took the City almost 3 years to own up to what was going on and release this information allows me to draw my own conclusion and it stinks.

  6. l3wis on July 12, 2015 at 10:30 pm said:

    LMAO! Yeah, isn’t it funny, Ellis has been tracking this bullshit for 3 years, and all of sudden the mayor is surprised. The only reason he is surprised is because he has been getting caught with his hands in the cookie jar quite a bit lately, and now he is throwing his minions under the bus and seems to have a case of dimentia.

  7. Road Warrior on July 13, 2015 at 8:56 am said:

    People in the neighborhood have been wondering for a few years why their streets have been resurfaced now three times in the past 5 years have some of the answers.

  8. The Daily Spin on July 13, 2015 at 9:03 am said:

    The Argus had an article Sunday about the mayor’s street repaving. Perhaps, they’re seeing this mayor doesn’t do anything that doesn’t somehow benefit him. Now, uncover the corruption associated with indoor sports palaces. How does a mayor become a multimillionaire from 6 years public service?

  9. The Daily Spin on July 13, 2015 at 9:43 am said:

    Need 3 spokespeople for this mayor. Hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil monkeys.

  10. scott on July 13, 2015 at 10:08 am said:

    mmm only remembers the “god-given memories”. everything else is kind of foggy.

  11. My Mistake Mike on July 13, 2015 at 11:12 am said:

    Magic Mike XXShady

  12. City Hall must have figured out who I am.

    On Sunday 7/12, I got a card on my door telling me that on Monday a contractor would be applying a micro surface to the street in front of my residence and that my street would be closed from 8am to 8pm, so no parking or street traffic would be allowed.

    Later on Monday 7/13 in the afternoon, I got another door hanger telling me the work had been rescheduled for the next day. No reason why.

    On the afternoon of Tuesday 7/14 in the afternoon, I got yet another door hanger telling me the work was being rescheduled to July 15th.

    I wonder what tomorrow’s door hanger will read?

    I bet the Mayor’s street repairs didn’t get rescheduled 3 times.

  13. l3wis on July 14, 2015 at 1:28 pm said:

    Well it will probably be fixed now. I notice when stuff like that is pointed out here, it get fixed.

    My street was fixed after I posted this picture.

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