South DaCola

Chad McKenzie really misses the mark on this one

I guess I have really never listened to Chad’s blabbering on his cup of coffee show or whatever he does, but this ridiculous claim about the later school start date was literally pulled out of his butt (or a friend’s butt);

In case you’ve forgotten, the Sioux Falls Public Schools don’t begin until after Labor Day this year. Remember – back in April we actually had a public vote on the issue – thanks to a vocal group of lake cabin moms (sorry, personal conjecture on my part).

While most area schools are already back in session (I’m writing this on Monday August 24), the Sioux Falls public students still have two more weeks of vacation left. They’re not scheduled to return until Tuesday September 8, with school then ending on June 2.

After visiting with a friend who works part-time at a big box store, I’m wondering how many Sioux Falls public parents are having a difficult time finding all the necessary school supplies for their kids. Seems the shelves are bare – and have been for awhile.

I’m guessing those who voted ‘yes’ for the calendar change never thought about the possible consequences down the road. I’ve heard from several parents of public students complaining about all the school supplies being picked over and even completely gone.

My hope is if you’re reading this, and you have a child in the Sioux Falls Public School system, you went out early on and purchased everything your child needed for school. If not – good luck. From what I hear, it’s slim pick ins’ out there.

Then again, I guess you could always call one of those ‘Lake Cabin Moms’ and see if they have any connections. I’m sure they’d be more than happy to help you out – (wink, wink)!

We will get to the ‘Lake Cabin Moms’ statement in a moment. But to think that;

1) A Walmart greeter is an expert on retail inventory of a big box store is like saying I’m an expert on international public policy because I run a blog.

2) Just because SF public schools are starting 3 weeks later doesn’t mean parents are holding off their shopping for 3 weeks.

3) Let’s say that they are holding off, good for them, they will be able to take advantage of the sales. In fact, Jesse Schmidt from the BBB said the best time to go shopping for school supplies is in October to get the best deals.

4) And lastly, if places like Staples and Office Max didn’t keep inventory, they would be out of business.

Obviously, Chad’s comments about school supply shortages are ridiculous, but his comment about ‘Lake Cabin Moms’ couldn’t be further from the truth. Three of the ladies involved in the petition drive all have very respected jobs. One is a communications/marketing director, one works in administration for a college and one is an elected city official, hardly ‘house wives’ that spend their summers at the Lake Cabin.

Of course I wouldn’t expect anything less from Chad. Go back to blabbering about ice cream and breakfast bagels, or whatever you talk about on your silly show and leave the discussion about local public policy up to those who understand it.

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