South DaCola

Federal Government ‘Pork’ press conference on Monday

Had a great question posed to me yesterday about the press conference planned for Monday about the RR relocation project;

“Would Sioux Falls taxpayers approve spending $27 million of city money, essentially on a 10 acre parking lot? Or is it okay because it is Federal money?”

This wasn’t from a fellow Joe-Six-Pack, but from a local elected official. My response was that I am fine with receiving FED money for ice storm cleanup, needed infrastructure, etc., but this is simply a handout to the Railroads. Because we know at the end of the day the city will probably only get about $2-3 million back from selling the land.

I am also puzzled about this being a celebration? Why would we be celebrating handing over $27 million of Federal taxpayer money to a private industry?

A social will follow, sponsored by the Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Sioux Falls, Inc. (DTSF). The social will include hors d’oeuvres, punch, and jazz music by the Jim McKinney Quartet.

For $27 million, there better be some caviar.

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