South DaCola

Is Walmart a Public Nuisance? An Indiana city thinks so.

While our Mayor, City Attorney’s office and Planning department seem to bend the rules for Walmart to move into a well established middle-class neighborhood in Sioux Falls, other city administrations are realizing how much of a pain in the ass they are to the community (not counting the millions each year they bilk from Federal taxpayers for welfare and Medicade benefits to their underpaid employees).

BEECH GROVE, Ind. — A mayor in Indiana reached his wit’s end last week after another publicized scuffle at a local Wal-Mart.

According to the Indianapolis Star, Beech Grove, Ind., mayor Dennis Buckley declared the business a public nuisance after a string of incidents, the latest of which involved a shoplifting suspect wave his gun at store employees before shooting himself in the head. The suspect, 42-year-old Gillace Monroe Samples, died over the weekend from his wounds.

As a “public nuisance,” the Wal-Mart can now be assessed a fine whenever police are called there, the Star reports. The mayor said it was a necessary resolution.

“We’re better than that, our community is better than that and I don’t want to get a phone call every day saying that somebody pulled a gun at Wal-Mart and has done something out of line,” Buckley said.

As one of my friends said to me when they used to be on SNAP, “You should go to Walmart at Midnight when they re-load the cards, it’s 10x worse then black Friday.”


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