Oh the irony of our mayor, if he isn’t spending Federal levee re-payment funds on indoor pools (another project he proposed only a week after the election) he is out ‘getting things done’ in our community. But as we edge close to the deadline for mediation over the Events Center siding (I believe it is the end of August) we have heard nothing.

Will it cost taxpayers to fix it?

Will it be fixed?

Who’s fault is it?

I have been hearing from people who get themselves wrapped up in messes like this, that most likely there will be some settlement agreement between all parties involved, and most likely nothing will be fixed, or the settlement money set aside for future maintenance and repairs.

There is also the possibility that all of these negotiations could be sealed from the public (you know, like the list of contractors that worked on the Events Center and what they got paid.)

Maybe the paperwork has already been signed and it is a done deal, filed in the dark of the night? But trust me, when that deadline rolls around, there will be a lot of people in this community asking questions and demanding answers on our $180 million dollar investment. And this time around, I don’t think the mayor will be able to sweep it under the rug.


By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Mayor Huether can pick a new police chief in one week, but after almost 50 weeks, no resolution on the Events Center siding”
  1. For those having a problem remembering the issue, we present a playlist of our video coverage. Maybe this will remind da mayor we want the siding replaced. He will be out of office and the building will look like your grandfather’s rusty old grain bin and smell of mold inside from all the water flooding the walls.


    Enjoy a walk down the Denny memory lane. We’ve walked the siding walk again and it is only getting worse. It will never get better the way it is constructed.

  2. It’s a deliberate new tourist attraction. Let’s go see the sludge slide over the falls. Then, let’s go see Denny’s crumpled building.

  3. I agree with john. Let’s ask Denny if he is proud to have his name on junk.

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