Sioux Falls City Council approval of the Rail deal. Watch the city attorney blabber about all kinds of things, especially when she tries to blame the messenger about a date typo.


5 Thoughts on “Railroaded Transparency produces ‘mistakes’

  1. WOW! Three Hour meeting, no wonder the mayor was ‘sick’ or at a National Night out picnic. I have been hearing conflicting stories on that, maybe he went to a picnic and got sick from the potato salad? Either way, a very convenient night to be ‘sick’. City attorney Fiddle-Faddle also left the council hanging by not being at the meeting, maybe he had the same potato salad? Either way, it was refreshing to have council chair Anderson run the meeting (which is how it should be done all the time). Maybe this is a new trend. Actually going to meetings and not have to listen to the mayor crab on Kermit.

  2. Bruce on August 6, 2015 at 1:16 pm said:

    Lewis, the meeting was actually 3 hours 47 minutes long. The anticipated 10 minutes to vote on the rail resolution sorta got messed up by the Council getting the answers requested in the email I had sent over the weekend.

    Notice after my testimony how well the 3 staff members scrambled to answer my points in order to move the subject down the rails?

    I do want to give my appreciation to the three city staff who actually did a great job filling in answers created in my email to the Council members. We did learn a great deal about the process they will be going through to make this project a success.

    There is one more point several of us commented on after the meeting, Kenny Anderson Jr. did a great job handling the meeting. For a newbie thrown into it at the last minute, he did great and the members were very respectful to all. What a pleasant change! Thanks Kenny, you made the 4 hours more tolerable.

  3. The D@ily Spin on August 6, 2015 at 9:06 pm said:

    Good work Bruce. It seems this deal was rushed. City legal will no doubt go back and proof it. I think it’s important to keep the mayor’s hands off the 7 million excess. In fact, he’s a lame duck and the council should handle this matter in its entirety. There’s potential for profit on the real estate. It must be delegated to sorely needed infrastructure. Huether ignored usual maintenance upgrades and spent on indoor sports splurge. The next event at Denny Dome is a dog tricks show. When’s the pony show? Nobody’s going and the few who do will if it’s free tickets.

  4. The D@ily Spin on August 6, 2015 at 9:13 pm said:

    Yes, Mr. Anderson served well in the captains chair. Now … who’s gonna be Ogura, Scotty, and Spock?

  5. The D@ily Spin on August 6, 2015 at 10:02 pm said:

    From a few angles Carnegie Hall kinda looks like ‘The Enterprise’. {play star wars theme song}

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