South DaCola

SMG Events Center Manager, Terry Torkildson thinks the siding is a ‘publicity stunt’


The ‘Visually (un)Interesting’ manager of the Events Center

Terry was the guest on  the Argus Leader Media’s SU FU STUpid show yesterday (FF: 24:50, in the video section of the website). Terry was asked about the EC siding, and he had an out at first,

“. . . Well the city owns the building . . . it’s their deal . . .”

Okay, I’m fine with that, he just manages the joint, he isn’t in charge of those things, fair enough. Oh, but Terry couldn’t resist to make just a few more comments,

“. . . I know I have been criticized in the past for saying this, but I think the building looks visually interesting . . .”

I guess if Terry thinks bent up forced straight steel, that has massive gaps and calk and rust stains pouring down it is ‘visually interesting’ I have a 1972 trailer home I would like to sell him. Trust me Terry, it’s not a dump, it’s just visually interesting. Maybe that is why Ford sold so many Pintos? He goes on to compare it to the Pinnacle Center (which has the same bent up affect) then concludes that is the ‘nature of steel’. Yeah, flat (not rolled) steel that is forced to bend on the building.

Though he admits at the beginning of his rant that it’s the city’s ‘deal’ he all of a sudden turns into an engineer,

“. . . the siding is water tight . . . we have had no problems with it . . .”


He concludes the whole problem has to do with the ‘messenger’ and not the actual shitty installation job,

“. . . I think it just some people stirring the pot . . . trying to get publicity for themselves . . .”

I was unaware that SF City Councilor Rex Rolfing was trying to create publicity for himself. You know, the person who brought this to the public’s attention. Before Rex even said anything, it wasn’t even on mine or the public’s radar. Terry should be careful of accusing elected officials trying to create publicity.

Terry sure had a lot to say about the siding, even though it’s the city’s ‘deal’, He must know a lot more then he is putting on. A week and a half to go and spin machine has kicked in.

My prediction is that it will not get fixed and our compensation will be on paper only and not in the form of an actual cash deduction.

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