By l3wis

16 thoughts on “Southside Walmart continues construction . . .”
  1. It looks like the battle is finally over, I can’t imagine the city would have issued a building permit and Walmart would be this far in if there was any thing still pending in court that could stop this from happening. All I have to say is it’s about time this is happening, now we can move on with our lives.

  2. It’s another events center scenario. Built before there’s an approved location and voice from the people. Proof that Home Rule Charter is not democracy. Again, city officials ignore due process.

  3. “It looks like the battle is finally over, I can’t imagine the city would have issued a building permit and Walmart would be this far in if there was any thing still pending in court that could stop this from happening.”

    Actually the city did just that, gave a permit after the SON neighbors filed an appeal to the zoning. There should have been an injunction and the city should have NEVER gave them a permit until the court proceedings were final.

  4. Doubtful that “Blight and crime move in. Ugly.” The east side Walmart is helpful with growth and the moving in of other store chains. With Hwy 100 going right by the 85th st Walmart, store chains will be fighting for real estate.

    An NBER study shows real estate values increase by 2-3% if it is within 0.5 mile of a new Walmart.

    So once the store is up and operating, it won’t be hard for a judge to rule, if one ever has to. Kinda reminds me of the latest Obamacare Supreme Court ruling. Can’t make it illegal once it is in place.

  5. After the last court ruling judge Long stated a conditional use permit would not be required if the shape places was adopted which it was, so SON has no case or argument to stop this. It’s happening, time to move on and let it go. If they were breaking a law I’m sure a judge would have stopped it from getting this far.

  6. It hasn’t been determined yet if they are breaking the law, this is about being properly zoned.

    There is another hearing scheduled for September 3rd.

  7. That is the multi-million dollar question, isn’t it? I am baffled that a judge would not have issued one until the proceedings are finished.

  8. Obviously the judge feels there is no case or not a significant enough of one to do an injunction.

  9. Yet they feel it is significant enough to have hearings on the topic? It just doesn’t add up. If the zoning issues are on the court docket why wouldn’t you stop construction until this plays out in court?

  10. There must be a reason otherwise it wouldn’t be being built, one would assume the hearings have no direct effect on the construction and Walmart proceeding the way they are. Walmart would have never purchased the land till the knew they were cleared to start building.

  11. Ssider: check the police log any day and you’ll see that calls to even just one of the walmarts far exceeds the number of calls to any other address in town. Add all three stores together and it’s even worse. Track the activity for a while then re-think your remark on crime.

    I call it blight because I have never seen an attractive Walmart. Even when they splash a little fake brick on the front, they are unappealing. Lipstick on a pig.

    And no matter how they try, at the core they have lousy business practices. The stores are big because they try to sell everything. But, they can’t sell the truth because they don’t have it,

    Lewis is correct in remarks about the litigation. Time will tell.

  12. I have to agree with Sam #14. I get better prices and quality on line. It’s tax free with free shipping. Sometimes I need it right away but I’ll wait several days anyway. I don’t think Walmart realizes how unwelcome they are when they push into an area without community consciousness. When they fail, the real estate will be a dime on the dollar and perfect for indoor pot farming.

  13. What’s important for now is don’t buy Walfart (WMT) stock. The new northwest Walfart always has more employees than customers. The parking has cars. It’s a much needed commuter lot and free overnight RV park.

  14. Those commuters must shop after work. I was in there Thursday around 4:30 and the place had lots of people and all 8 self checks were busy with people lined up.

    It is a great place to go other times of day as it is far enough away from major city populations that it is not very busy. I assume part of the reason for the location is I-90 traffic.

    I also saw no rampant crime in the parking lot or in the store.

    BTW the Hy-Vee on east 10th had about as many police calls than any Walmart in the last 30 days. And if you added up all the Hy-Vees it would be close to the same number of police calls. So stay away from the crime ridden Hy-Vees for your own safety.

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