Okay, so this is about the ‘BID’ tax and you can READ the total beaucratic games being played, but this stuck out;

Margaret Sumption of Sumption & Wyland has been engaged to develop a process by which the committee will proceed. The first step in the process will include one-to-one interviews with a number of key stakeholders including:

Remember Margaret? The biggest promoter of the indoor pool.


By l3wis

8 thoughts on “The indoor Aquatic Center paybacks have started”
  1. Margaret Sumption was the paid consultant for the proponents of the indoor pool.

    She was the person who bragged on Inside KELO about how little time it had taken to raise over $125,000 for their campaign.

    Still waiting to hear from all those well-known SF families about what they are going to personally donate to the taxpayers 24 million dollar facility!!

  2. Happened by the city water feature today. Seems small. Miss the park and outdoor pool. It’s a summer without kids enjoying what was best about Sioux Falls. Next mayor should be family oriented with grandchildren. Let’s get back to midwest wholesome and away from business man selfish horror.

  3. No surprise! Margaret has been paid handsomely to put a needed indoor pool in an absolutely inappropriate place,….. why not see it to the end? Every time I drive by the Spellerberg sight I am sickened

  4. I wonder if they want to put some of this money towards operating the indoor pool? Whether you have an issue with Sumption doing this consulting work or not, I find the process to be one of the most secretive nonsense I have ever seen. Pre-Interviews? WTF does that even mean?

  5. Honorable adult government, civic & business leaders would go to great lengths to avoid the appearance of impropriety. BUT NOOOOOO. Between hiring Marketing Maven Margaret, interviewing “key stakeholders” Jim Entenman, Tracy Turbak & MMM, AND appointing City Hall tool committee members like Relic Randall Beck, Top Dollar Tracy Turbak & Diamond Jim Entenman (those two get a double dip on this one!), Rockin’ Radio Rick Knobe, and Rubber Stamp Twins Rick & Rex . . . . I taste vomit in my throat. This is good ole boy network at its most loathsome.

  6. “To recommend any quick wins that can be implemented in the coming fiscal year” – read as “which pet projects can mmm steal this money for ASAP”

  7. Can’t wait to hear what they come up with for goal #2.

    CVB BID Review Process to Begin Soon

    The goals for this effort are:

    2. To recommend any quick wins that can be implemented in the coming fiscal year

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