South DaCola

UPDATE: Who is missing in this picture?

Go to the Argus website and toggle down to the videos. There is a video of the Governor talking in a luxury suite at a Twins game in Minneapolis to business prospects for the state and the city of Sioux Falls (Dennis mentions Sioux Falls in the video). So who is missing from this grand party that got a lift on a private jet?

Let’s see, we have Slater Barr from the SF Development Foundation, we have Scott Lawrence (whose company gets most of the advertising contracts with the state), you have the governor’s wife, heck, and I think Jodi Schwan even hitched a ride.

So we are talking about recruiting businesses to South Dakota and specifically Sioux Falls, wouldn’t you bring the city’s number one cheerleader? Was he invited? Maybe him and the GM of Stormland-Sick Kids TV had to go to a Greenbay game?

Either way, I find it curious that there wasn’t even a representative from the Mayor’s administration (like Darrin Smith) along for the ride. At least we had Jodi Schwan (a former city employee) representing our Boomtown.

Jodi Schwan for Mayor in 2018!

UPDATE: (From a reader) The community development office was represented there – they sent this guy who got hired earlier in the year. But he wasn’t on the private jet. 

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