Write your own captions for these FIVE tabs on this binder
By l3wis
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7 thoughts on “Help me write the toon”
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Credit Card Crook, Election Fraud, Constitutional Litigation, Contracts Fraud, Free Speech Suppression
A child’s rhyme and song comes to mind……..
Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie,
When the pie is opened the birds began to sing,
Isn’t that a dainty dish to set before the king!
(only in his dreams!)
You should simply have scratched out Chicago Denny Daugard’s name on the front.
#1 Lie
#2 Cheat
#3 Tax
#4 Spend
#5 Create more govt
Me, Myself, I, and Me again
Childish thoughts, I love yours the best!
Huether doesn’t need a Minder. At the end of his term, nothing worth remembering and lots to forget. He’ll get a few governor votes if he changes his name and starts over.
Then again, everyone gets votes if you vote for yourself over and over from tombstone names and tricky city attorney language.