September 2015

The upgrades to the ‘NEW’ staging yards have begun


With a crisp, hot and messy $27 million dollar check in the clutches of the Railroad, they have already started on rail yard staging ground part II, except it is not on the edges of town, but more centralized then ever. While it has been used for probably as long as the 8th street location, it is not as glamorous or as close to a Hilton, in fact it is only a few feet away from a refugee church, a mediocre sandwich shop, Avera’s parking ramp and about two blocks from where I write this blog. New drainage and RR ties are going in. As we all suspected, freeing up the 10 acres for a parking lot downtown will only transfer the rail traffic to other parts of downtown (that no one cares about or has to see). Rail traffic will probably increase (next to a major hospital and main north/south traffic route).

The relocation project has accomplished NOTHING! All it has done is create more headaches for people when dealing with train traffic and bilked $27 million from federal taxpayers. If the mayor thinks this is one of his greatest accomplishments, he must be working in quality assurance for the Sioux Santee tribe growing facility.

Calling out Fiddle’s bluff


The view of the White Cliffs of Dover from France were never as clear as the bluffs you can see in this press event held in the old Commission Chamber in the Sioux Falls City Hall on September 2, 2015.

The city attorney and administration are playing a game to hurt a local company over the wants and desires of out of state contractors.

It just more passing the buck with the lemonade made from the old lemons before they rot.

I also see BM over at Stormland TV took a break from reporting about sick kids and trans-cheerleading and decided to do a story about the Fiddle Faddle bluff, but then he starts talking about church roofs from 10 years ago. Yeah, because they have a lot to do with sheet metal siding and a publicly funded facility. The kill the messenger campaign has begun.

*I would also like to comment on David’s choice of the word ‘adverse’. If the city attorney’s office or this administration had at least one ounce of courage, they would have been transparent with the taxpayers from the beginning. There would be no speculation, or adverse or inaccurate information out there. Instead, they have done  everything behind closed doors even trying to compile a settlement in the dark of night and away from a court room. As far as I am concerned, whether it is cosmetic or structural, it is a bad install and should be fixed at the cost of the general contractor. Stop bullshitting us for just a couple of minutes for once, and you never have to worry about negative press.