September 2015

Should Paratransit rates be increased?

Seems like a harmless debate? Right? Well it is a bit more complicated than that.

While I think a very ‘small’ increase is okay, ever expecting Paratransit to be self-sufficient is a bit far-fetched. There are those who would argue both sides of the coin, but those who want Paratransit to be self-sustaining are just not being realistic.

My arguments are very simple. A transit ride, whether that is by train, bus, or paratransit bus is transportation and infrastructure costs, no different than fixing our streets or maintaining our bike trail. There is no toll or fee to use our streets and bike trail, but we do pay a (regressive) retail tax to have them repaired. We also receive Federal funding for our roads.

Who pays a retail tax in our community? Well, anyone who purchases ‘stuff’. This not only includes us planet choking auto owners but it also includes children, the homeless, people who are disabled, etc. etc. In some respects you could almost argue that paratransit and SAM rides in general should be free to anyone who pays retail taxes, but I won’t go there.

There is also an economic view of providing an affordable paratransit service. People with disabilities who want to work CAN. And instead of the Federal government supplementing their entire income and health benefits, they actually contribute to our community by working. Making paratransit unaffordable to those who need it most, the ones that depend on it for employment transportation, would be detrimental to that whole sector of individuals in Sioux Falls. Some may think this may be a way to drive the disabled out of town. That’s just crazy talk, many disabled people live and work in Sioux Falls because they are close to healthcare services and can be gainfully employed. You won’t drive them out of town.

I look at a ‘subsidy’ of paratransit necessary and no different then ‘subsidizing’ the street department to fill pot holes and fix our roads.

If you look at this through the eyes of government being prudent with our money, I couldn’t find many other things that are close to it. We have a choice, subsidize the rides so people can work and contribute to the tax base in our community, or make it unaffordable so these people have to use way more Federal resources which costs us way more of our Federal contribution.

As for how Paratransit operates, there are many, many, many things that could change to make it more efficient operational wise that would save us money in the long run. One suggestion would be to put in an efficient dispatch system. This would save in man hours, fuel and make the rides more timely.

While the city council and mayor may be beating their heads against the wall about fee increases, the bottom line is subsidizing paratransit just makes economic sense, now if they can concentrate on running it better, that would show some true prudence and business acumen.


People fighting is OK, dog fighting? Not so much. (H/T-MM7.5)

You run across some pretty weird things as a blogger, especially when your foot soldiers send you weird links. Not sure if this is controversial, but it certainly is strange.

So the person who is hired by the state (Jennifer Stalley) to be the executive director of the SD Athletics Commission, you know, the folks in charge of making sure MMA fighters perform safely, is also the head lobbyist for Midwest Solutions. What do they lobby for? The SD Veterinary Medical Association.

What is most bizarre about this is, first off, what is the connection (not sure there is one)? But more importantly, was the state so strapped to find an ED for the Athletics Commission that they had to hire a PRIVATE lobbyist? Forget the fact that she lobbies for an industry that cares for the well-being of our pets and livestock while running another organization that promotes people punching each other in the face.

One could say being a private lobbyist and a state employee at the same time may be a conflict of interest. Not sure? But the oddity of promoting people fighting for entertainment on one hand while promoting the health of animals on the other, that’s a new one in a state with some very strange bedfellows and almost NO ethics.

How did this all come about? Jennifer helped with a presentation yesterday at the Sioux Falls city council informational meeting about lifting the ban on ultimate fighting in city owned facilities (so one of my foot soldiers decided to see who Jennifer was). Like I have said in the past, I don’t care either way. MMA is just glorified boxing, and if the Pentagon is already hosting these events, why not the Events Center.

Sometimes I don’t know whether to laugh, cry or just shake my head when I see some of the doofus things our state government does. Well it’s good to know our animals are safe, the MMA fighters, I guess they are safe to . . . just sign on the dotted line.


Best of DaCola

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Moderate Democrats, LOL

Our Socialist President

Then it went to the Supreme Court

The Heater-Hildy team announced, Barth’s Bluff

A Novel P & R worker

It only took 6 years and a new Super

Iraqi death panels

Flamingos are more important than homeless people

And the Trojan Horse arrives, sadly

It failed, and it didn’t even have bent up siding. Just a failed plan.

Nice Eye Shadow

Mike is at it again

Johnny want a Cracker

And the conflicts of interest continue

Stormland censors, then goes to a Xmas party and Packers game with the mayor

The Cookie Monster was behind 911?

City government has been sticking it to the citizens for quite awhile

Another great Stormland TV reporter misses the mark. Now back to reporting about sick kids and trans-cheerleading.

This is how you build a $117 million dollar events center, CUT CORNERS

Hudson says ‘Go Away’

Father Bill


Forrest didn’t quite pull it off


The city only applies transparency to bragging

Okay, I am NOT shocked, the mayor will only promote ‘positive’ numbers and if anything ‘negative’ is coming from city hall he keeps that information under lock and key. The irony of releasing this information today is just two days ago, city attorney Loophole David Fiddle-Faddle said NO details of a closed settlement would be released on the EC siding fiasco. We have our speculation why that is . . . cough . . . the city f’d up . . . cough, cough. But isn’t it amazing that SMG & our city finance office were able to get together and show us all these flashy numbers yet no audit has been done on construction costs? How’s the saying go? “Dazzle them with Bullshit”.

By the Numbers

$117,000,000: Cost of Premier Center construction

$115,000,000: Amount approved by Sioux Falls voters

$1.3-$2.9 million: Anticipated annual net income ahead of 2011 election

$1.8 million: Actual net income through July 31

$19.6 million: Anticipated annual revenues ahead of 2011 election

$21.7 million: Actual revenue*

$1.6 million: Sales taxes generated for state and city*

220,169: Attendance for the 2015 Sioux Falls Stampede hockey season.

64,674: Attendance for the 2015 Sioux Falls Storm football season.

*Through July 31