South DaCola

The next Pomp Room?

Trust me the number of conversations I have had about this over the past week have been ‘too many’. As I have stated before, I was first told about the future of the old Sid’s location on Sunday. The owners of the Bonus Round bar plan to make it their next bar arcade. I heard very little other details about live music or the name of the place. I just automatically assumed with the success of the Bonus Round (and it has been very successful) they would call it the same thing. They have also been searching for another larger location for several months. Now that doesn’t mean they could have a room in the building with a music stage that honors the history of the Pomp Room. Not sure? I do know from the pictures below (taken last night thru the windows) that the space is very large and has lots of possibilities. While making it an arcade will be a matter of electrical rewiring, etc., to build a music stage and make it into that kind of venue takes on a whole other set of permitting and construction. We will probably know a lot more next week (Saxton closes on the property this weekend, as I understand). No matter what Ike and Crickett decide to do with the space, I think it will be fantastic, now if they can just get their future landlord to keep his mouth shut.

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