You may or may not know this, but several councilor’s terms will be up this Spring (2016). Anderson, Jamison, Karsky. Staggers can run for another term, but he has not decided yet. That means that 4 seats could be up for grabs.
Honestly, I have no idea who is running. I of course have had friends encourage me (again) but I could only run for Kermit’s seat (at Large). I live in central district, and the three other seats are district seats.
Yesterday while meeting with the Rogue Dems for lunch, across the street from the Paul Dudley House, we had the pleasure of meeting a gentleman that is ‘considering’ running for Karsky’s empty seat (NW district), I promised I would not ‘blog’ about it, because he hasn’t made up his mind yet. But I was impressed by his resume and demeanor, and the fact that he is an independent. He does need to learn a little about city politics though.
I asked Jeff Barth if he was considering running for city council, and he responsed, “No way, I would have to take a cut in pay and wouldn’t have any authority.”
Anderson Jr., Jamison, Karsky, and possibly Staggers….
that’s a lot of historical perspective to lose all at once.
Just what we need is another person running for the City Council who knows little or nothing about city politics!
I think the city will survive
I see a horses ass.
With strong mayor charter, a councilor is just to make city government look like democracy. If they vote against the mayor, he has the power to overrule. The city attorney prevents them speaking. They’re not properly compensated for their time. What’s especially troubling is their personal assets are not protected for when there’s a civil rights award. There are presently court cases pending.
I live in the Northwest district and qualify for Karsky seat. I’d rather be put in stocks, stoned, and spit on. If you’re looking for a fool, they’re both sides of the mayor at council meetings.
I would run for one term as mayor. I’d use strong mayor to set aside a million dollars to investigate Huether, offer immunity for contractors who testify against him, and revoke Home Rule Oligarchy in favor of restoring democracy.
I encourage you to think of a different name than “Rogue Democrats” for the Democrats who meet across from the Bishop Dudley house. I have dropped by a meeting or two and they include a county commissioners, county office holders, city councilors, several former democratic county chairmen and former state executive directors, first line political consultants, and other active Democrats. It is a substantial group of people capable of getting something done if they choose. Compare it to the Democratic Forum crowd at the VFW where a few Democratic want-to-bees and perpetual Democratic Candidates act as surrogates for a couple of wealthy Democratic matrons and sit around complaining about how they might win if only voters were smarter. Perhaps a name like “The Mainstream Democrats” might be a more apt name for the group that meets across from the Dudley House.
In NO way did I meant it to be derogatory,
“no longer obedient, belonging, or accepted and hence not controllable or answerable; deviating, renegade”
I find this group of Democrats way more knowledgeable then the current leadership the party has, but they know best. If they would listen to the ‘Rogues’ once in awhile or attend a burger and fry meeting they might learn something. Maybe Pranger would like to stop by sometime?