South DaCola

Mayor Huether’s ‘speculative’ appearance on SuFuStu

I was honored that the Mayor called me a ‘speculator’ on Stu’s show yesterday, right before he didn’t really answer the question I asked, but danced around it for about 5 minutes (he wouldn’t say if he would vote for or against a cell phone ban if it came back to the council and he had to break the tie) yet he did say he thinks the ordinance should be voted on by citizens via an initiative process (wouldn’t that mean you would vote no?) I guess I will have to go back to ‘speculating’. Maybe I will strike gold one of these days.

The mayor also absolutely refuses to release the Events Center ‘paneling’ settlement, saying that they are protecting the private businesses involved. More like protecting your ass. Mike went on a mini-rant about how nobody talks about the ‘paneling’ to him. Well Mike, if I was a speculator, which you think I am, there are probably two reasons people don’t talk to you about it. First off, you are probably lying about those interactions, or secondly, people know if they ask you about it, you will just lie about it anyway. But like I said, I am just ‘speculating’.

In one of his funnier moments (even though Stu said they wouldn’t have ‘word play’ in this episode) the mayor said the work he used to do marketing the nation’s worst and most predatory sub-prime credit card, as NON-PRIME lending. Huh?

And since Stu decided to skip word play, I thought I would ‘speculate’ what the mayor would say if they did do the game.

The truth?

I believe what I believe




Getting things done

City Council?


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