Rumor has it that a Sioux Falls city councilor that is term limited this Spring is considering a run for the county commission. Also, some have been suspecting that appointed commissioner Jean Bender will not run because she has found the job to be ‘overwhelming’.

Maybe if the commission would have been more transparent when they made the appointment, they would have picked someone who was more ‘committed’ to public service instead of someone who was ‘connected’ in the developer community.

But what do I know, I’m just a speculator.

2 Thoughts on “Minnehaha County Commission Races

  1. The D@ily Spin on November 2, 2015 at 8:37 pm said:

    Nonetheless, I have respect for the county. They balance their meager budget but also fund all social services and the jail. The city of Sioux Falls budget is 5 times more but they burn it on private coliseums for insiders yet barely meet infrastructure requirements. For a growing metro area, it’s very biased and cruel. The indigent population barely gets by while insiders complain they can’t find good help for a cheap price. No soup for you. Go home and cook/clean for yourself.

  2. The D@ily Spin on November 2, 2015 at 8:40 pm said:

    It’s a time for Robin Hoods, Ferguson fearful police, and live in your palace but install your own burglar bars.

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