flagplow luth

After hearing a rumor that the Jesus plows were back, I made a trip out to Public Works. They are not, they have been replaced by two other themes this year. The Lutheran school did an American flag with the word ‘God’ on it, and another school did an American flag with ‘In God we Trust’ on it. These are well within constitutional rights since the word ‘God’ doesn’t promote a certain religion (the point we were trying to make last year). In one sense I should probably commend the schools for actually grasping their constitutional rights, but on the other hand you get the sense they are still poking the bear to see if there would be any controversy. Besides the fact that painting an American flag isn’t really creative, the whole thing that is ludicrous about this is that the stupid disclaimer signs remain, this time they have them mounted to the actual blade.


By l3wis

15 thoughts on “Patriotic God Plows”
  1. There’s also a fine line between having an opinion and just being an asshole. Not creative? Your missing the point. They’re making a point to clearly state what is their right in this country. Both schools have the same theme for a reason.

    Let it go. These are kids.

  2. I think you are missing the point. ‘Paint the plows’ isn’t about making political statements, patriotism or promoting religion, it’s about artistic expression. Funny, how ALL the other schools participating seemed to have figured this out but two. Nothing against the kids, but you gotta question the direction from their teachers, administrators and parents. If they want to make a political statement, they can paint it on their privately owned vehicles and leave the taxpayer vehicles for their intended use, removing snow from the streets.

  3. The word “God” should not be on public equipment. What about those who don’t believe in gods?

  4. Don’t read them, I don’t believe in Santa but don’t get offended when I see the it. When did America become so easily offended, if you don’t believe in God then it shouldn’t offended you when it’s on a snow plow or anything else.

  5. Practically, why? Plows have a polished steel finish. Painting them makes it harder to move snow efficiently and effectively. Common sense, but that’s not what city policy and Christian schools are known for.

  6. “Besides the fact that painting an American flag isn’t really creative…”

    Tell that to Jasper Johns who did several critically acclaimed paintings of the American flag (White Flag, Flag and Three Flags).

    What’s ludicrous is that after a year you still haven’t been able to untwist your panties over your perceived slight of the modern judicial construct of “church and state separation”.

    I’d pay money to see the veins in your neck pop out if the kids had painted a blade with a South Dakota flag and the state motto, “Under God the People Rule” on it. I guess there is always next year.

  7. LOL. You folks still have trouble comprehending this. Jasper did do that (wonderful series BTW, and very creative). But Jasper did it on a canvas HE PAID FOR! This isn’t about the message, it is about the substrate and who owns it! I OWN IT! It’s no different then if I walked up to your house a spray painted ASSHOLE on the side of it. You could have me arrested for vandalism, why? Because I don’t own your house, and I don’t have the right to spray whatever on it. Just like students don’t have the right spray paint ‘Jesus’ on government owned property. Pull your heads out! This isn’t an attack on religion, it’s an attack on a free society. If people want to live in a theocracy, I suggest they move to some middle east country that promotes this kind of crap every single day.

  8. BIG problem with your analogy. These kids were offered the the ability to write whatever they want on the plow. THEY DO HAVE THE RIGHT. YOU do not own the plow, WE do and the VAST MAJORITY of us have no problem with this.

    If you have such a problem, get out out petition drive, man up and quite bitching about it. Otherwise YOU MOVE to another part of this country which suites your lack of values.

  9. It’s like, all these parents pay full taxes and still don’t get vouchers to send their kids to private school. This paint a plow program is the least we can do to keep them from complaining about it. I just find dragging an image of the flag along the ground to either be in the poorest taste, or to be the cleverest artistic satire of proper flag protocol.

  10. First off, I don’t need to do a petition drive, the constitution already affords me my rights and the rights of the minority. You also bring up the vast majority of people don’t have a problem with this. I guess I missed that poll. But it seems like a vast majority of schools (90%) figured this out as an art project and not religious promotion program using tax dollars. Are you saying the 90% of schools who participated in this program got it wrong?

  11. Rolling and pushing mixed dirt and cold snow with God and the flag. It’s not a tribute. More like another crucifixion and flag burning.

  12. Bwahahaha! Theocracy? Painting the US motto on a publicly owned plow blade is representative of a theocratic state? It didn’t even rise to the level of religious establishment (not separation as the anti-theist’s are so fond of claiming is in the 1st Amendment) as held in Aronow v United States.

    “It is quite obvious that the national motto and the slogan on coinage and currency ‘In God We Trust’ has nothing whatsoever to do with the establishment of religion. Its use is of patriotic or ceremonial character and bears no true resemblance to a governmental sponsorship of a religious exercise.”

    Well at least I got you to agree that painting an American flag is creative endeavor.

  13. This has been an interesting discussion, but you have to admit last year’s fiasco could have been solved with a simple can of black spray paint, but instead involved wasting more tax dollars on disclaimer signs (that now are covering up the artwork).

  14. 1. You know damn good and well we don’t need a poll to tell us the vast find your issues of plow painting PATHETIC. Good grief were not talking about a crucifix on a courthouse. Stop hyperventilating Oh I know Scott, today jesus on a plow leads to the spanish inquisition tomorrow.

    2.Yes the constitution affords you your rights and the children as well.

    3. 90% of the schools cannot use a religious symbol because you know damn well your bullshit has removed any type of faith out of our schools. Unless it’s the global warming religion. Thats a thriving heap of devotion born from our left wing teacher crowd. But thats another debate.

    4. Wouldn’t need to spend money on a can of spray paint if you and the pedophile at the “freethinkers” could learn to look the other way when you see something you might be “offended” by. I can just shut the fuck up when our governments embrace “Earth Day’ each year, but maybe I’m just one of those peace lovin conservatives man.

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