South DaCola

Randell Beck at Democratic Forum, 10/16/2015


The former publisher of the Argus graced forum with his presence today, where he told us about his part-time job at Avera where he is paid to have coffee with people (his words, not mine). He went on and on about transparency and investigative reporting then bragged that the first politician he ever gave money to after leaving the news industry was Mike Huether (for his re-election bid), then he said he has NOT given to anyone since (I joked that he must have learned his lesson). Cameraman Bruce brought up blogs and the important role they are playing in investigative journalism in our state and city (one attendee suggested the Cory Heidelberger be given a Pulitzer price). Randell called bloggers and ‘citizen journalism’ Exciting and Scary. I see his opinion hasn’t changed one bit.

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